Wednesday, October 8, 2008

It's Uncle Todd's Birthday

Happy Birthday, Uncle Todd!!! Well, nothing new in our household, besides sleepless nights. We are trying to get the girls to drink more so they won't get up every hour at night to drink an ounce and 1/2. We switched nipples again, so they have a faster flow. We noticed they will drink more because they don't get pooped out. We hope eventually they will take 3 ounces every 3-4 hours. They are liking their baths a lot more. As long as they are warm, they are ok. It is definitely fun being a mom, but challenging. The girls pretty much eat at the same time, which can lead to some screaming fits when mom has to burp the other one. I have been laying them in their cribs during the day and they seem to like them. They are getting too long to lay the short way across the bassinet of the pack and play. They will soon have to graduate to their own cribs in their room. I think it will be harder on mom than the kids to move them into their room but maybe they will sleep better in there. Minnie and Daisy bark sometimes at night which wakes the girls sometimes, so if they are a room away they shouldn't hear it as well. Auntie Alexis visited yesterday, she says she needed a baby fix. Mom just hands her a baby and puts her to work feeding and comforting. This week we are laying low and hanging out at home. Saturday we will be going to Grandma's birthday party. Of course, no cake for the girls. :) No new pics but I am sure we will be having some real soon. Note: Anyone who would like to have a Tastefully Simple party in the next month please email me. I have to do three in the first 30 days. I don't know if I will be able to make that goal but I will try.

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