Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Just hanging out

The girls and I are just hanging out with Grandma I. She is STILL doing her tree, she likes everything one perfectly. Her tree looks really good when she does finish. Well, I have been productive lately. I am actually done christmas shopping for the extended families, they are wrapped and under the tree too. I wanted to get things done so we can enjoy the season. We are planning on going to Carter's at Midnight on Black Friday morning, they have spectacular deals and worth our time. We just need to get a few things for the girls for christmas (clothes) and then we are done. The girls are growing so much, they are definitely too big for newborn clothes anymore, they are wearing 0-3month clothes, so we are buying 3-6 for the rest of the winter season. The girls were starting on their medicine for their over and under active thyroid, I know it is confusing but their levels for both tests are either too high on the low one or too low on the high one. They have to be on medicine so it doesn't give them brain damage, this medicine will help even the levels out so they can get all their IQ points (those were the doctors words). We are just happy they figured out what was wrong. It seems they will have to take a pill a day until at least two and possibly longer. It is interesting though, we have to crush the pill and formula and feed it on a spoon. The girls actually open their little mouths for it. I pretended to give Baylee a banana today and she opened her mouth wide. My mom and I laughed but Baylee didn't think it was nice to be teased. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. I know what we are thankful for this year, our two blessings!!

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