The girls were hanging out with mommy!! Of course, mommy has to keep taking snapshots. They really love to be sung to, read to or they love watching us dance around the room. They have both been laughing out loud, their laughs make us laugh. Grandma is home from AZ now and the girls literally lit up when they seen her today. Baylee kept giggling at grandma. We went with Grandma I to the MOA today. We were able to see Santa for the first time today. Amelia thought Santa was funny. Baylee didn't know what to think, she smiled when we picked her back up. It is so much fun to see their personalities develop.

Amelia hanging out! She is happy in this picture but today at Children's Lab, she was not a happy camper when they took blood out of her arm. Grandma said she could hear her screaming in the waiting room with Baylee. She did stop the minute Mommy picked her up off the table.

Baylee is cuddling with her blanket waiting for her turn in the bath. Baylee did a little better with the blood draw today~first they got it in one stick (usually takes a lot with her) and she remained calm as long as Mommy rubbed her face and talked to her.
I will upload the photos from today's visit with Santa hopefully tomorrow. We will be seeing him again on Sunday when our whole family goes to Breakfast with Santa!!!
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