Baylee sitting on Grandpa Nguyen's lap during the photo snapping session.

Mommy and Daddy's self portrait on Christmas Eve.

Amelia and Baylee showing off their head control on the floor at Uncle Vincent's house.

The Nguyen grandchildren. Tawny was happy to hold the babies and kept on wanting to the rest of the night. Nicholas is almost 3 and we were lucky to get all of them in one photo.
The entire Nguyen family. Daddy set up a tripod and we were able to get a family photo.

Auntie Alexis gave the girls some Christmas bears. Here is Amelia cuddling with hers.

Baylee cuddles with her new bear too!
Here are the girls posing in front of their gifts from Santa before heading over to Auntie Janice's house.

Another traditon we do every year is go to Auntie Janice's house and watch the girls open their presents. Here are Zoey and Brianna happily opening their gifts from Santa. Brianna liked her shrink dinks and sticker makers she got, as well as a Hannah Montana Guitar. Zoey was excited most about her Tinker Bell movie (Mommy loves the way she says Tinker Bell). We love to spend time with them on Christmas morning.

Amelia and Mommy opening Amelia's presents from Santa. Won't she look cute in this new little jumper dress???

Here is Baylee opening her presents with Daddy. She really liked the teether that came in her stocking.
The girls took a nap before and during dinner. Here they are cuddled up in their blankies. We all had a great dinner with lots of yummy foods, even with some burnt beans (they were still good), checking the rolls every two minutes and Mommy taking more than what she could eat. Our dinner consisted of turkey, ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, yams, green beans, deviled eggs, coleslaw, rolls, fruit salad, gravy (mommy didn't do right), corn, cranberries, veggie tray and pickle tray. MMM...Mommy is hungry for all that right now.

After dinner, we all gather in the living room and open presents. There is a tradition in our family about who has to gather all the trash during gift opening, Kris Garbage. This year it was passed on from the Parrows to the Nguyens. The family with the youngest child has to be Kris Garbage. We were proud to be Kris Garbage this year, however we have a feeling we will be Kris Garbage for a long time because everyone says they are done having kids. We are hoping maybe someone will get another dog!!! Auntie Julie??? Here is little Davis talking on his new phone given to him by Auntie Janice, Brianna and Zoey.

Grandma and Grandpa I. opened up their present to find a photo of all their kids and grandkids. Earlier in the fall, all of us got together on a Sunday to get our photo taken to give the grandparents for Christmas. We all dressed in black, white or jeans. The photos turned out great thanks to our great family photographer, Auntie Joyce. What we found was funny, was the day we did the photo, our Aunt Mary was visiting from Iowa and wanted to see us all. Grandma called Mommy's phone and asked her to bring the girls over to meet Aunt Mary. Little did Grandma know but we were all sitting having lunch at Farmington Steakhouse after the photo shoot. We all arrived at Grandma and Grandpa's dressed very similiar. Grandma even commented on if she missed the memo to dress in black or white. Aunt Mary kept questioning all of us why we were dressed the same. Hmmm, well we pulled off the surprise and hey were very happy with the photos. Taking a photo of 9 adults and 8 children was difficult but Kari and Sean helped us out. We are all hoping they will take down the photo of the five girls taken in the 90's and replace it with this one. All in all we had a good Christmas!!!
1 comment:
Merry Christmas!
I think the oldest grandchild should be Kris Garbage... at least until he or she turns 18 and is "officially" an adult.
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