Breakfast with Santa-the entire Irish family met this morning at the early hour of 9 am at Rascal's in Apple Valley for breakfast. Unfortunately, little Davis got sick and had to leave after being there just a little bit. He has the flu, we hope he feels better soon. A buffet was set up with rather good food. Santa made an appearance and everyone in the restaurant sang "Jingle Bells" and then we got to get pictures with Santa, and hand in the kid's letters to Santa. Our photo is above, Santa didn't want to hold both. So, he made mommy sit down next to him, mommy then made daddy be in the picture too. The girls slept through it. Mommy loves them in their holiday dress.

Auntie Janice and her two daughters, Brianna and Zoey. Both girls are enjoying their strawberries. Zoey of course ate her donut first, me too!!!

Cousin Marissa showing off her strawberry for the camera!! Strawberries are rather popular with the Irish clan.

Amelia has some bonding time with Auntie Joyce. Amelia loves to giggle and laugh with her aunties.
After the breakfast, we headed to Auntie Jeni's and Uncle Todd's place to celebrate Cousin Zak's 12th birthday (actual birthday the 17th). Mommy can not believe he is already 12, it seems like yesterday the whole family was anxious to meet the first grandchild (he came a little past his due date). Here is the birthday boy playing with Amelia while she sits on Auntie Jeni's lap.

Baylee and Grandma hung out on the couch and watched the lights on ALL 3, yes 3, christmas trees Jeni has up in her home. Auntie Joyce and mommy were saying that Auntie Jeni's house looked like a department store, the decorations were FAB. Good job Auntie Jeni!!! We even took advantage of the decorations and posed the girls in front of some, the photos are below (first is Baylee and then Amelia)
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