Last Saturday all of girls got together to make holiday treats. We had a lot of fun, Mommy had to leave and go to the dentist to have a tooth removed. Unfortunately it was fractured and couldn't be saved. But Mommy bounced right back and went back to continue baking. It is a lot of fun every year to get together and spend the day baking. Marissa loved helping out, she unwrapped caramels, cut out cookies and just did everything we asked her too. Way to go Marissa. The photo above shows the girls in their holiday baking day clothes. The night ended with all the guys cleaning off the cars for a long time in very cold weather.

The girls and Mommy were hanging out at home staying warm so Mommy took more photos. This will probably be the last time this little shirts will fit so Mommy had to get one last photo.

This is a photo of the girls in their new stroller, thanks to the Solbergs. Mommy used to be their nanny and the also had twins so they had a stroller they weren't using and passed it on to us. We will be using it when we head to California in February. Daddy strolled the girls all around the kitchen, they seemed to like it better than their car seats.
Janice had her annual Christmas Program on Sunday. Her daycare kids sing songs, Santa comes to read stories and get photos, then we all eat some yummy treats. Parker played his recorder, Davis danced around, Zoey and Brianna sang their hearts out. It was a fantastic program. The kids sang "Angels Among Us" by Alabama and it brought tears to Mommy's eyes and Auntie Joyce. The kids do a Fab job, Janice really does a good job with all the kids.

Daddy's work had a Santa visit too!! Daddy brought all of us up there. Santa really loved playing with the girls. The girls cause such a commotion among the women, the girls disappear as the walk around with them. Daddy is quite the proud papa!!!
We are very excited to start the celebrating tomorrow with Nguyen family at Uncle Vincent's. Then we are spending the morning with the girls unwrapping presents, then we go to Janice's to watch Brianna and Zoey open their presents and have cinnamon rolls (a tradition that started on Brianna's first Christmas), then off to Grandma and Grandpa I's for our family celebration!!! Somewhere in there mommy needs to make the mashed potatoes and coleslaw! PHEW!
Mommy had surgery today, she had the rather large cyst removed from her ovary and a mass removed from her uterus. The pathologist results will be in on Tuesday. She is doing fine, just sore. We would like to thank Auntie Alexis for coming to the hospital and helping Daddy with the babies. Also, Grandma I and Auntie Janice for helping out tonight. Mommy should be back to normal in a few days.
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