Mommy broke down and started the girls on solids this weekend. We started with Sweet Potatoes. The girls first bites were funny, they kind of looked at Mommy with a look that said this isn't our cereal. They have since gotten used to it. We tried Squash this morning and they both loved that, which is one of mommy's favorite veggies(of course mommy's is smothered in brown sugar and butter and theirs is mushed up goo).
Update on Amelia: She is doing well. She is sleeping in her crib for naps now too. She likes to cuddle with her stuffed animals and her blankie. Her favorite thing is the red exersaucer. She has been finishing 4oz bottles now, without a problem. We switched to faster flow nipples, which helps, but are wondering if half of it is on the bib. She is working hard on sitting on her own, but she tends to lean too far left and rolls over. She is scooting forward (on her face still), she likes to roll over and smile after she moves a few inches. She is still temper mental when it comes to getting her bottle, she wants it NOW when she is hungry. She has rubbed a lot of hair off around her head, but still has what is fondly called "her Mohawk". She is our little chatter, she loves to babble and babble. Daddy swears she said "hi" the other day!! :) She loves to watch herself talk in the mirror. She also loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (yes Mommy lets them watch at 8am so she can take a shower and get dressed :) ). Amelia is in love with Baylee, she likes to pet her, kiss her, suck on her and climb on her. Amelia gets sad when Baylee decides to pinch her cheeks, do you blame her? They are cute cheeks though! All in all she is doing well, and giggles the days away!!!
Update on Baylee: She also is doing well. She likes her crib a lot. She will fall asleep on her own for naps and at night. She loves her lamb, auntie Jeni gave to her. She will cuddle with blankets only in her car seat. She is sitting up on her own (well for a couple minutes) until she leans to far to get a toy, then timber!!! She also is scooting forward on her tummy, face down of course (mommy worries about rug burn a lot). She is starting to chat more. She chats to her toys or Mickey Mouse on tv. She is always on the move, it is hard to hold her sometimes, she likes to jump around a lot. She loves to kick her feet, her hands are always grabbing at things. She likes to suck on mommy's cups of water. She can move the car exersaucer across the kitchen, when she gets stuck she lets us know about it. She loves to spit her food out of her mouth and then smile at Mommy like she did the most hilarious thing ever (Mommy tries not to laugh). She also screams until she gets her bottle. We really can't complain because they really don't cry unless they are hungry or tired. Baylee doesn't like it when Amelia grabs her hair, she has now started to cry when Amelia pets her head, who could blame her! All in all Baylee is doing well too and grooves away the days!
We are excited to see how much they have grown on the 13th at their 6 month checkup. They will have shots again! We are over the colds they had, they cleared up at the end of our Cali trip. Mommy and Daddy are so excited they found round trip airline tickets for $120 to Orlando for our September trip. Mommy couldn't pass up that deal. Mommy and Daddy are doing well, wishing there was a magical laundry fairy but other than mountains of annoying laundry we are all well and happy!!
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