A photo of the girls measurements for height!
Amelia's Stats:
Height-25 inches (24.24%)
Weight-15lbs 3 ozs (34.17%)
Head Circumference 17.52inches (93.38%)
Baylee's Stats:
Height-25.5 inches(41.86%)
Weight-15lbs (30.41%)
Head Circumference 17.52 inches (93.38%)
So, they are doing really well, with nice big heads :)! They didn't like their shots, of course, but it was cute they got upset for each other too when it was their sister's turn. They do like to cry just because the other one is crying, Mommy thinks they forgot our deal from the womb "You will not cry just because your sister is!) LOL!!! We are happy it is getting nicer out, mommy has cabin fever really bad! We have been trying to organize their clothes in preparation for the switch of seasons. Mommy has to say she can't go into Gymboree because everything is in the color shades she loves, the same goes with Children's Place! We did find the cutest polka dot yellow dresses from Carter's at 50%off Mommy couldn't resist. Having two daughters is hard on the wallet!!
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