Hi, it's me Amelia! We took over our blog today, Mommy is pouting. We wanted to tell everyone about our weekend with Daddy's family. Friday we were able to go to Grandma and Grandpa Nguyen's house. Grandpa and Cousin Nicholas entertained us with the guitar and singing!! Baylee and I loved it. Cousin Nicholas was singing the song Grandpa made up for him about his car. Very Cute!!!!! We then went to dinner at Olive Garden with Daddy's cousins. We had to wait a very long time before they could seat all 10 of us, Baylee and I slept almost the whole time. Mommy and Daddy said it was yummy! We wouldn't know they won't let us eat that stuff yet, we get smooshed up peas and stuff like that. Mommy says we have to grow some teeth first, we are working on that Mommy!!
Hi, it's Baylee now! The next day, Auntie Julie came and took Mommy away, we stayed with Daddy and played. When Mommy got home though, she was doing something for us because she showed Daddy and us the cute spring/summer clothes she got for way cheap. We then got to take a bath with Mommy. I love that, so does Amelia. I like to put my head back and float, my sister thinks she should be able to drink the water but Mommy says "No!" We had to get all clean and cute for Cousin Nicholas' birthday party. Amelia and I were excited to go celebrate his 3rd birthday with him. We were sad when we got there and Nicholas had to go to the ER, he wasn't feeling well. We stayed and helped entertain his guests. He did get to come back at the end and we sang "Happy Birthday". Here are some photos from the party!
Nicholas opens our present, he liked his Hot Wheel cars!
Getting ready to sing to Nicholas!
Uncle Vincent and Aunt Angie help Nicholas blow out the candles!
Daddy hanging out with his cousins!
Cousin Ngoc, Auntie Alexis and Auntie Angie!
It's Mommy now! On Sunday, we met the cousins again for brunch at Chianti Grill in Burnsville, very yummy! We then headed to the Mall of America where we helped Ngoc with some more wedding plans, she is getting married in the fall. We are excited to go. They are all considering going to Disney World with us in September, we hope they go it would be a lot of fun. We ended up at My and Mike's house for dinner and some tea, below are some photos at their house!
Ngoc, My, Auntie Alexis and Mike hanging out!
Daddy and his girls!
Mommy and Daddy cracking the girls up!
Sitting in the white chair!
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