We had several emails and calls about how Amelia is. She is better, the end of her cold is near. We appreciate the concern and well wishes. We've had a good week considering the colds. The girls are both scooting forward on their tummies, the farthest they have made it to is about a foot then they get tired. We spent lunch yesterday at Grandpa I and Auntie Julie's office with Grandma I. We then did a pit stop at the Disney Store to get Cousin Zoey bigger shoes. The last place we went to was Target. We were only down to two more packs of diapers left from our baby shower, so Mommy for the FIRST time since the girls were born bought diapers. She has decided to use the Target brand diapers in size 2 (for now). They are only 12 cents a piece which is great for us since we use them in double. We also bought some things for our trip to California which is only 15 days away. Unlike Auntie Julie, who left this morning for a cruise. We hope she has a great trip and enjoys the warm weather. Here are some photos from this week.

The girls were laughing with each other after the bath hanging out in their robes from Great Aunt Mary in IA. Mommy and Daddy think they look super cute in their robes. They are sharing the bouncy seat again, which won't be happening much longer, they are getting so big! Baylee is in the front, Amelia in the back.
Amelia laughing as she gets the seat to herself.

Baylee relaxing waiting her turn to get her jammies on.
This is a typical position, one of the girls (in this photo Baylee) tries to eat the other. Excuse the drool, this is right before bath and they are teething so lots of wetness.
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