During the day the girls and Mommy play a lot. Mommy took some pictures on Friday before our friends came over for a playdate. The girls have fun playing with stuffed animals, they like to hug and eat them! The also like to grab Mommy's hair and pull as hard as they can. Mommy is seriously thinking about cutting it off. Mommy is currently searching for a shorter haircut that would look good on her. Giggles and rolling are in at our house. Also, the girls are no longer sleeping in their bouncy seats, they have graduated to their cribs. They are doing really well. They go to bed around 9:30-10:00 and sleep till about 6am and then we feed them a bottle, back to sleep until 9:30-10:00 am. It is definitely a good thing for Mommy, she gets lots of stuff done before they get up. Mommy considers herself a very lucky Mommy!!!

Baylee likes to hang out in her swing, check out those smiles!

Amelia is giving her dolly a great big kiss, she loves to cuddle with her dolly from Great Aunt Barb!
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