Thursday, January 22, 2009

Endocrinologist appointment!

Everything went well at the appointment. It was more of an informational appointment for mommy! They took the girls weights Baylee 12lbs 12ozs, Amelia 12lbs 14ozs. They also had blood draws. This is the first time Mommy was alone for blood draws, usually daddy or Grandma I comes with. Well, they did well, they both smiled and giggled with the lab techs until the needle went in, tears came out but were short lived. They were even able to only stick Baylee once, this has never happened before. Mommy learned a lot about thyroids today. Mommy knew it had something to do with the girls future IQs. Well, it is like this, the thyroid is necessary for healthy brain growth, without the medicine the girls brains would not fully develop. This condition leads to mental handicaps. There is no telling until the girls are bigger if the couple of months they didn't have the medicine will affect them. But since they are right on track with everything, the doctor's think they will be just fine. Mommy agreed to let the girls information be used in a study about thyroid problems in infants. She thinks that if this can help other babies in the future then why not!!! The girls will have to go in every 3 months to have blood draws and see if meds need to be adjusted. At 2 years of age, if the girl's levels have stayed the same then they will be pulled off for 3 weeks. Then another blood test will be taken to see if their levels are still fine. If so, they will go to 6 week testing, to finally 6 month testing. If they stay normal, they won't have to take the medicine, if not they will continue to take the medicine until their levels even out or for the rest of their lives if they never level out. A pill a day is not a big deal! Mommy and Daddy are so happy this is under control. We also thank God that this is a minor problem compared to other multiples we know that will struggle for a long time, our hearts and prayers go to them. We just wanted to let you all know that they are just fine and fiesty as ever!!

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