Friday, January 30, 2009

Snuggles for Sister then Surprise try to eat her

We had several emails and calls about how Amelia is. She is better, the end of her cold is near. We appreciate the concern and well wishes. We've had a good week considering the colds. The girls are both scooting forward on their tummies, the farthest they have made it to is about a foot then they get tired. We spent lunch yesterday at Grandpa I and Auntie Julie's office with Grandma I. We then did a pit stop at the Disney Store to get Cousin Zoey bigger shoes. The last place we went to was Target. We were only down to two more packs of diapers left from our baby shower, so Mommy for the FIRST time since the girls were born bought diapers. She has decided to use the Target brand diapers in size 2 (for now). They are only 12 cents a piece which is great for us since we use them in double. We also bought some things for our trip to California which is only 15 days away. Unlike Auntie Julie, who left this morning for a cruise. We hope she has a great trip and enjoys the warm weather. Here are some photos from this week.

The girls were laughing with each other after the bath hanging out in their robes from Great Aunt Mary in IA. Mommy and Daddy think they look super cute in their robes. They are sharing the bouncy seat again, which won't be happening much longer, they are getting so big! Baylee is in the front, Amelia in the back.
Amelia laughing as she gets the seat to herself.

Baylee relaxing waiting her turn to get her jammies on.
This is a typical position, one of the girls (in this photo Baylee) tries to eat the other. Excuse the drool, this is right before bath and they are teething so lots of wetness.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Lunar New Year's

First, Amelia is doing ok. The cold is still producing a lot of phlegm. She seems to be able to clear her throat better. She is waking up a lot at night, because it is hard for her to breathe, so her and Mommy have watched several info-mercials at night. Her fever is gone! She hasn't had a fever for over 24 hours now, yeah! We did make the decision to bring the girls to the Nguyen's for Lunar New Year's celebration. Auntie Alexis brought Mommy and the girls. She heated the car up for a long time so the girls would stay warm. No one knew we were coming, it was a nice surprise. The girls giggled and played with their Uncles and Aunties!

Here is a photo of Grandpa N with his three granddaughters (Nicholas already went home by then)

Auntie Alexis gives Amelia a kiss on her way out. Auntie Alexis comes and visits us a lot, she goes to college right down the street so in between classes or after classes she comes and hangs out with Mommy and the girls. She calls it her baby fix. It is nice that the girls know her so well, they recognize her and smile. Mommy thinks Auntie Alexis not only comes for the girls, she comes for Mommy's cooking ;)

When there is only one of us available to feed, this is how Daddy feeds both girls their bottles. Mommy thinks it is really cute!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Video of the Girls Giggling at Their Silly Mommy!!

After the girls had their cereal tonight, they were laughing at Mommy, so we got the camera and video taped them. We weren't able to capture them laughing at themselves on the floor very much, but we thought this was cute. Ok, it's cute in Mommy's opinion! Indulge Mommy!

A fun Sunday

Since it is so cold out, the doctors recommended us not to take the girls out. Too big of a risk that their mucus would freeze and cause breathing problems. So we are staying at home. Well, today 2 friends from high school stopped by and my friend Luci. We did a little impromptu brunch. It was fun to sit around and talk. Thanks to facebook, we all got to reconnect. It is great to listen to other's stories as moms. Daddy also got to meet mommy's high school friends. The girls are doing better, they are still stuffy and Mommy is waking up a lot during the night to make sure all is well and to suck out little noses. Today, Baylee thought she would be an inch worm and move forward a good foot. We actually have it on video. Luci was still here and she suggested the video camera, we just sat there watching her and totally forgot about getting the camera. Amelia watched Baylee some and tried to do the same thing, she hasn't learned to get up on her knees and then push forward. She will get it soon though. Mommy looked at Daddy and said "Our peace is coming to an end" Hopefully, the inch worm thing will last a long time. Time to baby proof the rest of the house! Baylee doesn't know to lift her head up so she rubs it on the floor as she pushes herself forward, so her face gets really red. She went from one end of the play mat to the other. She laughed a lot. Daddy is going to try and post the video so you all can see. The results are back on her second chest xray, it really is clear, there was a shadowy thing on the film (this had a name but Mommy doesn't remember) and her white blood count has gone up to where it should be. We just need to get past the colds and Mommy then can breathe a sigh of relief. We heard Jaime and Marco's wedding was a blast and we are sad we couldn't go, but we wish them all happiness!!! Stay warm for all those that live like us in the frozen tundra!!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Mommy pulls an all nighter

Since, Mommy had some time on her hands, watching the girls breathe while they sleep, she is being paranoid but it is her sleep she is missing so oh well, she thought she would upload some photos for the blog. Here they are!!
First of all, here are our two little sick angels and our new friend Winnie the Pooh, the large humidifier. Mommy thinks it is cool you can see the mist coming out of Pooh. It is currently 1:15am and Mommy is on the couch and Daddy is on the blankets in the background playing his XBOX 360, staying awake is our goal. Pooh actually lights up too, he was the only humidifier at Walgreens.
Here are the girls hanging out at home with Mommy during the day. Can you tell they are use to staring into the camera? Amelia (left) Baylee (right)
This is a photo of the pork roast Mommy made. Yes, she is a dork, she took a photo :)
Amelia playing in the car! She likes to watch tv from the car so Mommy turned the car the other way so she would look at the camera!! She is a lot like Daddy about the tv.
Baylee likes the car. She likes it when it makes noise, however she doesn't use her hands, she bangs her head on the green button in the center of the photo. Hence, the red mark on her head!
Learning to share, well kind of. Mommy put them both in the bouncy chair and Amelia wanted to shove Baylee out, which as you can see Baylee thought was super funny!
However, they do like to play footsie in their Bumbo chairs. Mommy is still amazed at how tiny their feet are. They are very ticklish feet too!
They like to touch each other when they are close, here is a shot of them being nice while they play together.
Amelia sleeping in her crib for nap!
Baylee in her crib for nap too!!!
We hope you enjoyed the mini-photo album...back to playing on Facebook to occupy mommy's time.

A big scare for us!

This will be a short update. Today, while Amelia was in the swing, she stopped breathing. Mommy was on the phone with Daddy when she looked at Amelia and seen her turning from bright red to blue. Mommy threw the phone, grabbed Amelia, tipped her over hit her back and swept her mouth. Mommy got a big chunk of phlegm out. Daddy came home right away and brought us to the doctor's office. At the doctor's office Amelia did it again but for a longer period of time. They called for an ambulance. Mommy and Amelia road to Children's Hospital with Amelia hooked up to a whole bunch of machines. After several tests, RSV-negative, chest xray-clear, they told us she had bronchial obstruction apnea. We have to steam her every 2 hours, a humidifier on her all the time, Tylenol for the fever, someone up at all times watching her (ok mommy's rule), and saline drops with nasal aspirator every 4 hours. We also have to add pedialyte to her formula so it doesn't thicken her mucus. Mommy has never been so scared in her life. Watching Amelia go blue twice scared the daylights out of me. The doctors and nurses were all nice and did a good job. Mommy didn't know there were so many doctors and nurses in the office at once, they all came running and were concerned and helpful to us. Mommy is scared to sleep!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Endocrinologist appointment!

Everything went well at the appointment. It was more of an informational appointment for mommy! They took the girls weights Baylee 12lbs 12ozs, Amelia 12lbs 14ozs. They also had blood draws. This is the first time Mommy was alone for blood draws, usually daddy or Grandma I comes with. Well, they did well, they both smiled and giggled with the lab techs until the needle went in, tears came out but were short lived. They were even able to only stick Baylee once, this has never happened before. Mommy learned a lot about thyroids today. Mommy knew it had something to do with the girls future IQs. Well, it is like this, the thyroid is necessary for healthy brain growth, without the medicine the girls brains would not fully develop. This condition leads to mental handicaps. There is no telling until the girls are bigger if the couple of months they didn't have the medicine will affect them. But since they are right on track with everything, the doctor's think they will be just fine. Mommy agreed to let the girls information be used in a study about thyroid problems in infants. She thinks that if this can help other babies in the future then why not!!! The girls will have to go in every 3 months to have blood draws and see if meds need to be adjusted. At 2 years of age, if the girl's levels have stayed the same then they will be pulled off for 3 weeks. Then another blood test will be taken to see if their levels are still fine. If so, they will go to 6 week testing, to finally 6 month testing. If they stay normal, they won't have to take the medicine, if not they will continue to take the medicine until their levels even out or for the rest of their lives if they never level out. A pill a day is not a big deal! Mommy and Daddy are so happy this is under control. We also thank God that this is a minor problem compared to other multiples we know that will struggle for a long time, our hearts and prayers go to them. We just wanted to let you all know that they are just fine and fiesty as ever!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Haven't Blogged in a while

We haven't blogged lately been really busy taking care of the girls, working and trying to organize the house. The girls are doing great, rolling all over the place. They do not stay on their tummies very long anymore. They do like to play with each other. We lay them on their sides so they see each other and the giggles and smile at each other, ok they also pull each other's hair and pinch. We also noticed both of them are moving around to get to one another. If they are inches apart they will make movements until they get a hold of each other. If we didn't see it we wouldn't believe it. They cry when we leave the room now, which as you can imagine makes mom's cleaning goals harder. They are working through another cold. Last night was a hard night, Baylee woke up a lot because her little nose was so stuffy she had a hard time sleeping. Mommy ended up, holding her for most of the night. Nasal aspirators are our very good friends. Mommy is tackling the big job of keeping up with laundry, it seems a daunting task. We have figured out soaking them gets formula and spit up stains out. Mommy has been trying new recipes and they have been pretty tasty, the pork roast was great! We even used the leftovers to make pulled BBQ pork sandwiches. Tomorrow the girls go to their first appointment with the pediatric endocrinologist at Children's Hospital. They will have blood draws and an evaluation to see if they are being medicated appropriately. Mommy has taken lots of photos but hasn't uploaded them yet. We will post photos on the next blog!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Attempting a pork roast

Ok, Mommy usually doesn't attempt roasts, because the cost is too much for just the two of us. However with the really good deal at Cub this week (1opounds of pork for $10) Mommy couldn't pass it up. It was a really good deal, we were able to freeze 6 bags of different pork items and the roast is in the crockpot all for $10. So, Mommy being an addict of Food Network, she has watched them prepare roasts all the time so she did hers without a recipe. She did remember to spray the crockpot with non stick spray this time. She cut up potatoes, onions, and carrots. Seasoned the pork roast and seared all the sides in a fry pan. She threw all of that in the crockpot with some seasonings. Mommy plans to make some couscous when Daddy gets home from work to go with it, she is also going to try to make a gravy with the drippings (wish her a lot of luck with that)!! The only thing she is missing is some nice crusty rolls. Mommy has been searching for a recipe to make nice crusty homemade rolls, if anyone has one please share. Mommy will let you know how it went, the real test will be if Daddy eats a lot of it.
The girls are doing well today. They ran high fevers last night from their shots but today they are only low grade temps. Gotta go, Amelia is screaming!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Girls 4 month Checkups

Today we went to the girl's doctor for their 4 month checkup. Amelia weighs 12 lbs 8 ozs, length 23 inches and head is 16.5. She is in the 25% for height and weight and 75% for head. She is in good health, she does have to go to physical therapy for Torticollis (ok spelt wrong), this is when a baby tends to look one way and has a flat spot on her head because of it. This is very common in twins, Amelia was in this position in utero, her head laid in my cervix once the cerclage was put in. She will be just fine. On to Miss Baylee, she weighs in 12 lbs 7 ozs, length 24 inches, and head is 16.25. She is in good health, they increased her dosage of Zantac because it is related to weight and of course she is bigger. She laughed and played with the doctor a lot today. The girls of course screamed from their shots but had mommy and Grandma I to comfort them. They have to go back in for the shot the doctor's office didn't have because of a nationwide shortage in a week or so. The girls are very close in weight and head measurements, but Miss Baylee has a whole inch on Amelia. We are so happy they are doing so well. We will update with photos another day, tonight we are just staying in to keep warm! Minnesota feels like the arctic today, amazing -44 windchill!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cleaning out our closet-the girls get a surprise napping friend

Today, since it was so cold and Daddy had the car, we stayed in and Mommy started organizing her closet. Since we moved in our new home while Mommy was on bedrest, things didn't get completely unpacked and in the right spots. Mommy safely put the girls on the bed and blocked all the sides with pillows, the girls played with toys and laughed at each other. After a while, the girls fell asleep. Mommy took the opportunity to get a lot of it done, when she came out of the closet she picked up her iphone to capture a priceless moment. Our oldest and most particular dog was snuggled up next to Amelia. Amelia even had her hand on Minnie's ear. Why is this such a priceless event? Well, Minnie hasn't really gone near the girls, she pretty much ignores them, unless they are crying she comes and finds Mommy. Mommy thinks she comes and gets her so the babies will be quiet. Minnie slept with the girls the entire time.

Tonight, Mommy made up a new recipe to use some of the Swedish Sausage we made on New Year's Day.
Swedish Sausage and Veggie Soup
2 links of swedish sausage
1 box of chicken stock
1 T olive oil
3 potatoes cubed
2 carrots chopped
1 onion cut into pieces
3 celery cut into pieces (make all veggies almost the same side-so they cook evenly)
1 green pepper cut into pieces
1 T kosher salt
1 tsp ground pepper
1 tsp garlic powder
2 bay leaves (remove after cooking)
1/2 tsp rosemary
1 T parsley
a dash of cayenne pepper (only if you are like Tony and like it spicy)
Cut all veggies, heat T of oil in pan, saute' all veggies in oil for 8 minutes, add spices, add chicken stock, bring to a simmer, cut swedish sausage into bite size pieces, add sausage to soup, simmer for 15-20 minutes until veggies are tender. Serve with some yummy crunchy sourdough bread.

Monday, January 12, 2009

We have two 4 month olds today!!!

Our Four Month Picture!!! (Amelia on the left and Baylee on the right)

We had a great weekend with the girls. Mommy worked all day on Saturday, so the girls hung out with Daddy!! On Sunday, Mommy worked a short day and came home to play with her family. Daddy made some yummy BBQ pork fried rice and chocolate chip cookies. We played with the girls a lot and video taped them on the floor, thinking they would roll over for the camera but they didn't. But once Daddy turned off the camera, Amelia rolled over. Daddy was disappointed. We took several photos and posted them for all to enjoy. The girls really like their cereal at night. Baylee opens her mouth so wide, but then laughs at Mommy which makes her cereal go everywhere! Amelia can't get enough, she cries when Mommy gives her the last bite. Mommy made another new recipe, she seen on the food network. She didn't write it down so she had to go by memory and it turned out yummy!!

Amelia smiling at Mommy!

Baylee smiling at Daddy!

The girls playing with each other on the floor on their playmat!

Here's the recipe Mommy tried: hope you like it!

Sweet Roasted Red Pepper Sauce with Chicken and Pasta

4 chicken breasts pounded down
1 jar Sweet Roasted Red Peppers
1 zucchini sliced in sticks
1 pound pasta
2 cans diced tomatoes
1/2 cup chicken broth
1 T. butter
1 T flour
Salt and pepper
Cayenne Pepper (omit if you don't like it spicy)
2 T parsley
1 T olive oil
1 onion diced
3 cloves garlic minced

Cook pasta! Salt and Pepper the chicken, heat T of oil in frying pan and cook chicken 4 minutes on each side, remove from pan, melt butter in pan, add flour and cook a minute, add onions and garlic, saute' for 3 minutes, add chicken broth, bring to simmer then add tomatoes, red peppers and zucchini, add spices. Add chicken and continue to simmer 5-10 minutes, toss with pasta and serve with Parmesan cheese!!! Very yummy, we ate the whole pot.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Just playing at home with Mommy!!

During the day the girls and Mommy play a lot. Mommy took some pictures on Friday before our friends came over for a playdate. The girls have fun playing with stuffed animals, they like to hug and eat them! The also like to grab Mommy's hair and pull as hard as they can. Mommy is seriously thinking about cutting it off. Mommy is currently searching for a shorter haircut that would look good on her. Giggles and rolling are in at our house. Also, the girls are no longer sleeping in their bouncy seats, they have graduated to their cribs. They are doing really well. They go to bed around 9:30-10:00 and sleep till about 6am and then we feed them a bottle, back to sleep until 9:30-10:00 am. It is definitely a good thing for Mommy, she gets lots of stuff done before they get up. Mommy considers herself a very lucky Mommy!!!

Baylee likes to hang out in her swing, check out those smiles!

Amelia is giving her dolly a great big kiss, she loves to cuddle with her dolly from Great Aunt Barb!

Friday, January 9, 2009

What is wrong with the IGH police officers???

Well, yesterday Mommy got pulled over. She wasn't doing anything!!! She was driving down Concord Blvd. on her way to Janice's house following a student semi driver when an IGH police car turns it's lights on, whips around and starts coming towards us. Mommy pulled over thinking the cop was going to an emergency call, because he was going so fast and whipped around in front of a dozen cars. Boy was she surprised when he pulled up behind her with his lights and sirens going. Mommy stared at him in the mirror thinking the following thoughts:
"What the heck(ok naughty word) did I do?"
"Oh, shoot! Where's my purse?"
"I wasn't speeding!"
"Why is he taking so long to come to the darn window?"
"I hope the girls stay asleep."
"What the heck did I do??????"
Mommy rolled down her window as he approached the car. She had found her purse and had all her cards ready to give to him for whatever reason he had to pull her over for. Mommy missed it as he hit her window with his hand and says "Your tabs are due this month." Then he just walks away. Mommy yells out her window "What?" He turns and says it again and Mommy responds with "I know." He just smiles and goes back to his car. Mommy shakes her head in bewilderment. Apparently the IGH police can get out of their cars to tell you your tabs are due but they can't help a pregnant mom with twins on bedrest out of her home when it is filling up with smoke from a car fire in her driveway. Which was more important? Mommy wanted to say "Really, my tabs are due. Is that why I got the little card in the mail telling me I had to pay 166.25 for new tabs this month? Is that the little sticker on my license plate? Are you serious, you acted like you were coming after some robbers?" Apparently the IGH police department is making sure in this economy that the citizens give their money to the Department of Motor Vehicles, what a honorable duty that is. Ok, Mommy is being very sarcastic but it bugged her.

Ok, now with news of the girls, much more important!!! They are doing well. The spent time with grandma I yesterday so Mommy could go to the doctor. They like to giggle with grandma. She loves it when they laugh out loud. They are doing well with their cereal and open their little mouths wide for more. They are also sleeping through the night in their cribs (no dani-slings works better). We can not believe they will be 4 months on Monday, yeah!!! They both roll from their tummies the moment you put them on their tummies, so much for tummy time. They love sitting up in their exersaucer car thingy. We have so much fun everyday!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Best Friends Already

The girls having a conversation over their pink elephants. Mommy wonders what they are saying!!!

The girls were playing in their Bumbo seats, Mommy couldn't resist taking photos of them talking to each other. They were so cute playing with their elephants and kicking each other. They love to hold hands and roll towards each other too. Don't get me wrong they like to pull each other's hair and punch each other while laying next to each other. They don't mean to but I am sure in the very short future they will.

Baylee telling Amelia a joke!
Amelia laughing at Baylee's hilarious joke!!! ;)

Our First Bites of Cereal

We gave the girls their first taste of cereal last night. We were told by the doctor they could have it at four months. Yes, we know that isn't until next Monday but they seemed to be ready. Amelia went first and she seemed to love it. They are used to spoons because they get their thyroid medicine in a spoonful of formula every day. Baylee was all smiles for the cereal too!!! Our dog, Daisy, thought she could eat the leftovers. Mommy tried to convince Daddy to try a bite but he wouldn't.
Amelia's first spoonful
Amelia thinking about swallowing that bite and not spitting it out!
Baylee's first spoonful down the hatch.
Baylee smiles for more!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Babysitting evening

Last Friday evening, we all went over to our friend's house and babysat the girls while their mom and dad went to dinner. Mommy was excited to see the girls again. She was their nanny for almost 2 years before she went on bedrest. We all danced around to High School Musical music, played with dollies, played the piano, cuddled on the couch and watched Kung Fu Panda (the girls knew almost all the words). Josie was very attached to Mommy, she didn't want her sisters to touch her. Ellie and Hattie were excited to tell us all about their schooling. Mommy can't believe how big they are. We had a good time and hope to see them again soon.
This is Josie and she didn't want to get off Jill's lap all night. Jill misses her as much as she misses Jill.
The girls fought over who was going to hold the babies. Ellie said it was a good thing we had two!! The five of them could pass as sisters though, they look like each other. Mommy said she should of brought the twin's jammies and then they would of all been in their jammies.

Monday, January 5, 2009

A Piercing Sunday Afternoon

On Sunday, Auntie Janice and the girls picked up the Nguyen family and we headed to Claire's in Eagan. Big Surprise!!! We pierced the girls ears. Mommy and Daddy debated for two weeks and we finally came to a decision and we did it.
Here is Mommy filling out the paperwork for both girls. You can't tell by the photo but she is shaking!! Mommy didn't think she would be so nervous, after all it wasn't her ears they were going to hurt. Auntie Janice will even tell you Mommy had second thoughts several times on the way there. But in the end she did and she held them.

Here is Baylee smiling at the lady before she had her ears done. She didn't know what was going to happen. Mommy and Daddy both thought she was going to be the one who would have a hard time with it.
She still was smiling while the lady put the piercing gun up to her ear. She cried a little on the first ear, she cried more with the second but Mommy thinks she was more mad because Mommy was holding her head when she wanted to look around and smile at all the onlookers. All in all, Baylee didn't mind. She got rescued by Auntie Janice who walked her around the store while we got Amelia's done.
Here is Amelia, all smiles too before the piercing. She moved a lot while the lady tried to mark her ears with the purple marker. As you can see, the sun was beating in on us. Mommy's eyes were dry again, not for long. Cousin Brianna's eyes were not dry either. She supported the girls by crying for them too, but if you ask her she tells you the sun was in her eyes. Mommy thought it was really sweet of her.

Amelia wasn't smiling but not screaming, YET! Amelia is usually more laid back and easier to calm. After her shots, she is easily comforted, where Baylee gets away from the nurses and cries for at least 15 minutes. So, Mommy and Daddy assumed she wouldn't be very sad. We were wrong. Amelia was very angry at us. She cried for almost 5 minutes afterwards and needed Auntie Janice to cuddle with her. Mommy felt really bad, but she is fine now.
Here is Amelia's new earring!
Baylee's poses with her new earring and the bag she got. She played with the bag for a long time today. They both are really good as Mommy cleans their ears three times a day. Cross your fingers no reaction to the metal so far. Mommy can't have her ears pierced because she has bad reactions to earrings.
Mommy got out the little bouncy car for the girls today. Here is Baylee looking at her reflection in the mirror. She liked it when Mommy pushed the buttons and the car made noises, she laughed out loud.
Here is Amelia in the car. She liked it a lot too. She was actually pushing the red shifting thing to make the noise. They can't be in the car too long, because even though it is on the lowest setting they are too short. Their little legs dangle so we spend a few minutes in there for a distraction then move on to something else. The girls are really into playing with toys. Their absolute favorite toy is the crinkly paper, Auntie Julie gave them. Mommy thinks Baylee is teething. She is drooling a lot and her gums were actually bleeding today. What is strange is that it is the top gums?? We heard that the bottoms come in first. Also, the girls like to suck their thumbs, no matter how much Mommy replaces the thumb with the nuk. What can a Mommy do...this won't be the first time they will do something their mom doesn't want them to.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Amelia takes on Auntie Janice on the Wii

Our New Year's started out a little rough, Mommy was hospitalized for the second time since her operation for an infection, so she was in the hospital for New Year's Eve. Daddy brought the girls up to the hospital and we had some sparkling grape juice at 9pm so Daddy could get the girls home before too many drunks were on the roads. Good news, Mommy was released the next day so she could go to Auntie Joyce's and help make Swedish sausage. Our Grandma Suelter used to make Swedish sausage and we have made it in the past, so we decided that we would start another family tradition and make it every New Year's Day. Mommy, Auntie Joyce, and Grandma I took on the challenge and now we all have Swedish sausage in our freezers. Auntie Janice and the girls came over and they entertained the girls and Parks by playing the Wii. As you can see in the photos, Amelia took her first turn on the Wii. Was Auntie Janice sick of losing??? LOL!!! Amelia looks a lot like her video addict dad sitting in the bumbo chair in front of the tv. We all had a good time. The girls decided that night they only wanted their Mommy, so she snuggled with both of them on the couch. Daddy got out the camera and we think that it was a good way to start out the new year. Mommy's biggest resolution this year is to NOT have to be hospitalized for anything this year!!! Daddy's resolution is to be the best Daddy he can be! Amelia and Baylee's resolutions are to be the cutest little things ever!!!!