Amelia Jule

The girls got all dressed up for their first Thanksgiving Brunch. We went to Jake's in Eagan for their Thanksgiving buffet with grandma and grandpa I, Janice, Brianna, Zoey, Julie, Craig and Davis. The buffet was good, mommy's favorite was the sweet potatoes, Davis liked them too. Davis really liked the buffet, mashed potatoes were everywhere. Mommy wonders what the floor will look like next year when we have two-one year olds and a two year old, bless the waiters. Everyone had a good time. Afterwards, since we had no where else to go, we hung out at the grandparents house. We took some photos with Brianna and Zoey too. Janice and Mommy played cards, mommy won more games :)!!! The Knochenmus' came over in the late afternoon, so we got to spend some time with them too. Then around 8:30pm Mommy sent Daddy and the girls home so she could go to Albertville Outlets to do some Midnight Madness shopping. Auntie Julie and Kari went with. We couldn't believe the deals we got at Baby Gap and Carter's. But we really couldn't believe the way some people acted, they ripped down displays, pushed and shoved, and cut in line to pay (Mommy got frustrated at this). But in the end we got good deals and were out of there by 12:01. Going early paid off, we parked right by Carter's. I don't think we will repeat that next year, the line was a couple of miles down the highway when we left. Mommy got $690 worth of clothes for $220 at Carter's, she is still amazed. It equaled out to 25 outfits for each(pj's, outfits and spring clothes). We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!! We did! Our family is thankful this year for all the love and support we received!! Mommy and Daddy are most thankful for their two little girls :)
Amelia with Cousin Zoey

Baylee with Cousin Brianna (Cousin Zoey in the background and sleeping Papa)

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