We are expecting company tonight. A group of Tony's cousins from Nebraska are in town and are coming over for dinner tonight (roast pork, roast duck, white rice and yummy bread). They want to see the babies and have dibs on who is going to hold them. It should be fun, I hope the girls don't get crabby (they tend to have crying spells in the evening). We are still waiting for some of the results back from the girls tests. We received some but aren't going to worry until we go to the specialist next week, and I am not looking anything up on the internet before hand (ok Auntie Joyce), I promise. We are enjoying our beautiful little girls to the max. They were rather funny last night. We were cleaning for company coming and so we put Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the tv and they were both rather absorbed (hopefully not as absorbed as their father gets with tv :) ). They laugh now, a lot in their sleep but some when talked to. I personally feel their little smiles light up the room, but I am sure every mom thinks that. All is going to be well and we have faith that our little girls are going to be just great!!! Oh, the photo is of them sharing the bouncy seat while mom took their photo at work at Grace Park Studio, they kind of liked it for oh let's say 2 minutes. :) I have no idea why the bottom looks like that it was taken on my iphone.
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