Yesterday, the girls needed to go get the rest of their shots, so we took grandma I along. She was busy doing her christmas tree when we got there. She wanted to have the girls pictures taken with her Mickey and Minnie, so here they are. The girls love to laugh with their grandma. She just loved to hold them both and giggle when they would give her one of their huge smiles. She also stuck them in their rather large stockings, sadly Mommy didn't have the camera ready for that one, but they sure did make cute stocking stuffers :). After the doctor appointment, Grandma and Mommy went on a quest to find cute christmas dresses for the girls. We both fell in love with a red and white polka dot Minnie Mouse dress at Babies R Us. Sadly, they only had one in their size. After Mommy had them call every store in MN to see if they had another, which turned up nothing, we headed to the Mall of America. The Disney Store had nothing, Carter's nothing, Sears nothing, and many other stores. I think Mommy was a little fussy after she found the one she liked at Babies R Us. We gave up. We did visit the new American Girl Store at MOA. It is really cool. If I were a little girl, that is the place I would want to go all the time. Even though my girls are to little to appreciate it, I think it is a place to visit often. Grandma I wants to get her 5 daughters and 5 granddaughters together to have a day there and eat at the cafe'. I reminded her of the grandsons and she said she would send all the boys (meaning Grandpa I, her son-in-laws, and the grandsons) to the Nick theme park for the day. I thought that sounded like fun, I hope we can all find an open day in all of our busy schedules. We then finished off our night with dinner at the grandparents. The girls were a little fussy and puky last night from their shots but did sleep for 6 whole hours last night before waking up for a bottle and then sleeping another 4 after that. A mom of twins couldn't ask for anything more. They are starting to wake each other up. They used to be able to sleep through the other's wails but now they must feel left out, they join the other's wails. Oh, well. Back to another day of enjoying being a mom to twin girls!!
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