Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Hard Month-Hoping for a Quieter Fall

Well, for all those that know we have had a few family issues the last month or so. It started on the 14th of September when we took the girls for their one year checkup at the doctor. They received their Hep A and 1st flu shot. Baylee ended up having 2 seizures, which got her a night at Children's Hospital for observation and testing. They hooked about 100 wires to her head and she had to have a hat on to protect the wires, this did not please her one bit. She also received a light test, she reacted to the very fastest strobe lights. She was seen by a neurologist and they have diagnosed her with Epilepsy. What does this mean? Well, it means she now has a rescue kit with her at all times and she can have seizures at any time. They are doing an MRI on her this Monday. An extra pray would be appreciated, she will be knocked out completely because of her strider. She is also having a procedure to look at her throat while she is under, to see how much damage there is from her acid reflux. We pray everything comes out great!

On the same day Baylee went into the hospital, my father, was diagnosed with NASH. They told us he could live for up to a year. Unfortunately, we lost him a week later. He was a great man and we will miss him soooo much.

Two days after my father's funeral, Amelia was running a temp of 104.9 under the arm and we couldn't get it to lower with medicine so off to the ER. She was admitted for four days for viral/bacterial pneumonia. She was one sick baby. They did testing for H1N1 but after a 4 day wait it came back negative. She is back to her spunky self now.

Today, was Baylee's pre-op appointment and she is all clear for the procedures on Monday. We need to make sure she doesn't get sick this weekend. So, a weekend in is in store for us. Amelia received the 2nd flu shot but Baylee is not allowed to have that until after her MRI. Amelia will be vaccinated for H1N1 but Baylee will not. The Neurologist says that giving Baylee a shot that can affect your neuro system is not something we need to do to Baylee until we figure out what triggers her seizures (if they can, a lot of times they don't ever figure it out). Also, Baylee will be vaccinated with her other shots but will only receive one shot every two weeks, to not overload her system. Amelia will be vaccinated as normal, which means 6 shots at 15 months!

Our pregnancy is going well. I am not allowed to travel farther than 45 minutes from our hospital. I did lose some cervical length this last month. My doctors feel the stress and activity I had this month probably made this happen. Baby Charlie, yes it is a boy, is moving a lot. He is most active at night. The girls were the same way. We are getting his room ready. We need to paint (after Alexis gets her tv and bed out), then set up the crib and stuff. We have a closet full of clothes from Cousin Davis, which helps out a lot. We are excited for our new arrival!! They will be cutting my stitch the first week of December so anytime after that!!!


Anonymous said...

First and foremost, I am so, so very sorry to hear about your loss. I am so sorry. I am also sorry to hear about your sweet little pumpkin being sick. I will say a prayer for her and for all of you. Take care of yourself. If you need anything at all, please contact me..I am just up the road! I could send some boy clothes your way if you'd like.

Anonymous said...

Jill, Continuing to pray for you and your family!