Mommy took a few shots with her iphone during two of the visits we had with the girls at Children's Hospital the last 6 weeks. We were not allowed to have any form of electrical equipment in the room when Baylee had the wires attached to her head after her seizures, so we only have Amelia's stay for pneumonia and Baylee's visit for her MRI and throat scope! This is Amelia sitting in her crib on her second to last day playing with toys. She was more alert this day and was willing to play for about 10 minutes and then back in Mommy's arms.

Amelia having some pedialyte while watching a movie. She did really well with the IV she didn't take it out or pull on it. She did hand her arm to every nurse or doctor that walking in the room.

Amelia stretching out on a sheet on the floor to give Mommy's arms a much needed rest! This is the night before discharge and she was doing much better!!

Baylee was already done with her check in and prep for her procedure. They let her play in a playroom until the doctor was ready to proceed. She had to be scanned for metal and they took a metal wand detector to her as she stood next to the police car. Mommy told her she never wanted to see her have that done when she was older. The nurses thought it was funny and called her their "little rebel" the rest of the time we were there.

She switched roles and pretended to be a doctor!

She didn't want to come over by Mommy because they wanted to have her put a mask on and practice breathing in, like when they put her out. She didn't want anything to do with that.

They offered different scents for her to chose from to mask the smell. We choose strawberry! She did let them put the mask on her when they put her out. She was a brave little girl. The gown just fit her length. She walked through the hospital like that and would wave to people as she passed. We hope we don't have to do that again anytime soon!
1 comment:
Even in the hospital the girls are so very cute! Beverly thinks that the entire Children's Hospital is staffed and operated just for her. She call's it, "My Hospital."
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