Amelia crawls and gets the controller before her sister could get to it! She knows to push the buttons!

All smiles! "He he he Daddy, look what I have!!!"

Baylee is staring at the lights, trying to push the button to shut them off!

She pushes the button and then looks at the tv. She knows something is suppose to happen when she clicks the buttons. They both know that Mickey Mouse Clubhouse comes on when we push the buttons, so we think she is trying to turn it on!
So, our crawlers are very fast now. They both are pulling themselves up on anything and everything. Baylee even transfers from one thing to another with a few steps while still holding on. Amelia loves to crawl over the top of her sister, Baylee likes to grab her hair on the way over! It is so fun to watch the two of them interact with each other. If one is laughing the other joins right in, same with crying (unfortunately). They both also think the dogs are hilarious, if they run by (to avoid little hands) they start to laugh. We've noticed they miss each other if one is gone somewhere or still napping. When they see each other again, they laugh and smile. Daddy even caught Baylee petting Amelia's hair while she was asleep on the floor. We just adore them! But they are growing up SO fast :(
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