The girls turned 8 months old on the 12th of May!!

Amelia is crawling everywhere. She is pulling herself up on everything! She hasn't tried to take steps but she will walk forward if you hold her hands a few steps but then she wants to get down and cruise around! She loves to play in the Little Tikes kitchen set. Her other favorite thing is to crawl under things and then try to sit up, sometimes this frustrates her when she is too tall to sit up! She also loves to eat puffs and yogurt melts. One of her favorite pastimes is to wrestle with her sister, unfortunately this can be the thing she hates the most too, when she is on the bottom and her sister has her hair!

Baylee is also crawling everywhere fast. If she sees something she knows she can't have, she crawls faster. She is our little daredevil. She has walked between couch and loveseat, she climbs up on things and picks on her sister all the time. She loves the lego table and stands there for long periods of time. She also loves to eat puffs and yogurt melts. She has been standing up in her crib as well! She loves to be outside at Janice's and wants to get down and join in the fun! She has been working on her two bottom teeth for some time now, they are right below the surface but they haven't cut through yet.

Mommy went to check on the girls at nap time and this is how she found Amelia sleeping, with her dolly in her hands. They love stuffed animals!
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