Sunday, May 2, 2010

Cute kid moment-well almost

I was running back in forth from the laundry room and living room trying to catch up with the laundry. I had thrown in a movie for the girls to watch so they wouldn't try escaping from the playroom! Baylee was sitting on a little trike right in front of the tv watching the movie! As I rounded the corner, I watched Amelia approach from behind. I was ready to intervene, the girls like to push each other off the trike, it's their favorite toy! Amelia leaned in and gave her sister a big hug! As I was just getting in my "awww, so nice" comment, her little hand reached up grabbed the pacifier from her sister's mouth and ran as fast as she could away! Here I thought, my two angels were loving each other, but no Amelia had a plan to get the one nuk in the room. We no longer allow them to have nuks during the day, only in bed or when they get shots!! Baylee must of found one and Amelia was jealous and this was her way of getting it. What do I have in store for the future??? Gotta love those moments in life, they make everything better no matter how bad things get!!! Love those girls!! Thanks MY ANGELS for making mommy laugh!

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