Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Who we fondly call Baby C!!!

13 weeks 6 days, Baby C's face! After my surgery, they couldn't find the heartbeat, so they did an ultrasound. I woke up to pictures of the babe!

A view from the back. Look at that spine!! The heartbeat was 150 after and the same yesterday when I went in to my OB/GYN for my bronchitis! Yes, the baby's name will start with a C. However, we are planning on not knowing the sex until delivery! Hopefully that will work, since I will probably have lots of ultrasounds and I may see something. If you have any good C names, let us know :)


Anonymous said...

Let's see Caitlyn, Crystal or Clarisse for a girl. Or, Caden, Cage, or Cole for a boy.

Oh, and just what is wrong with Charlie?

Anonymous said...

How about Cullen, Cooper, Conner, Carson, Carter, Cameron, for a boy and Callia, Cambria, Camdyn, Chelsea, Chloe for a girl.

amandarae6884 said...

My friend here has a little girl named carsyn. I just love it for a girl:)