Sunday, December 7, 2008

A Fabulous Weekend with the girls

The Girls In Their New PJS

Well, the girls are now sleeping through the night. Last night, Amelia went 8 hours then a bottle and fell back to sleep for another three. Baylee slept a whopping 9 hours then a bottle and slept another 2.5. Mommy and Daddy didn't know what to do with all the sleep they got. In secret, Mommy woke up several times to make sure both girls were still breathing. The girls are very into smiling and laughing at everything. They are in love with any kind of ceiling fan. We just put one up in our living room, when we moved in we didn't have one. Mommy laid on the floor to see what the big joke was about but it must be a baby secret. :) The girls and Mommy went to a bridal shower today for our friend Jaime. It was a lot of fun and Mommy scored on some games. Mommy made her special spag. sauce tonight for dinner and Daddy rented a movie. We all hung out on the couch and stayed warm. We are all amazed by all the snow we have. Here are some recent photos.
Baylee Giggling with Daddy
Amelia Giggling with Mommy

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