This outfit was a hand me down from Cousin Davis, apparently Charlie thought he needed to live up to what his shirt said that day, he was a "little devil"! :)

After Charlie's first party of the day, Baylee and Charlie were extremely tired, they cuddled up together while playing with his new toys and fell asleep for 2 hours!!

Minnesota had a blizzard the weekend before Charlie's birthday and this is our front screen door, the snow is blocking the door and we couldn't get out, the garage door was frozen shut too! No worries we got dug out! There is so much snow here, it reminds me of the snow we had when I was little. For example, the snow in our front yard is taller than me and 3 times taller than the twins. I have to push it down the street now to get the snow off our driveway!

This is Charlie cuddling with mommy after we finished putting up our tree, it was freezing outside but nice and toasty inside!

The ladies didn't understand that all the Disney ornaments were not something to play with!

Our three tv addicts!! No really they are.

This is the way the girls "help" with laundry!

Yes, this is Charlie at the hospital again. After his surgery in November, he contracted a serious infection, that lead to him having surgery to drain the infection and having to stay in the hospital for the weekend getting iv antibiotics. Poor guy had to be stuck over a dozen times, arms, legs, ankles and head, to start an iv! Auntie Julie was there and she eventually stayed with him because mommy first of all couldn't handle watching him cry for the 2 hours it took to get the iv in (YES 2 HOURS) and she had a hallway meeting with not 1 or 2 or 3 no 6 doctors on what the plan was to get Charlie over the infection. This was very scary! Auntie Julie was Charlie's advocate, mommy asked for the IV team to come in after the second try, she was told they were the iv team (just so you know they weren't), Auntie Julie was very verbal when the 3 sets of nurses came in and said "they were good at starting IV's", Julie informed them that this was his 10th try and the poor baby had been through enough. Well, they failed but then came the nurse of my dreams. She looked at me and said she would try once and if she didn't get it, she wouldn't keep poking him. She did it!!! We loved her! Everyone kept calling him too pudgy, well he is a little chubby but I have seen way chubbier babies in my lifetime and makes me think what they have to go through! Personally I think he has my veins, I have to have the iv team whenever I get an iv! He is completely recovered with a small scar.
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