Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Big Field Trip to the Zoo-Part 1

Charlie is so excited to be at the zoo! We decided to go with Janice's daycare on a field trip to the MN zoo! We had 3 car loads, 4 adults, 8 children 2 and under (they are free) and 4 children 3 and up. Auntie Alexis joined in the fun! We had a really good day, all of the kids were super good!! The only problem we ran into was in the playground an older man (with no children with him) started calling Amelia's name and taking photos of her. This bothered me a lot, I put my hand in front of his camera and told him he couldn't take photos of her. He got very mad at me and yelled at me telling me that we were in a public place and he has all the right to take photos of who he wanted because that was the law! I proceeded to tell him he was wrong and he finally walked away yelling at me. Another mother in the playground went and reported him to the zoo officials because he was taking photos of other little children! As a mom, it makes you nervous when someone listens to you interacting with your child and then uses your child's name to get their attention! After that, we continued having a wonderful time at the zoo! It will take several posts to show the photos. Only my children, nieces and nephews will be shown!

Amelia and Baylee looking at the snow monkeys!

Waiting for the others to arrive!


Look at that smile!! I wonder what he is thinking!!

Brianna and Zoey loving the baby snow monkey, who is bothering the adult monkeys! The girls thought that was hilarious!

Looking at the shark reef!

Brianna pushs Davy around in his stroller! She was such a big helper!

Zoey was showing the girls the sea turtle!

Charlie was watching all the fish!


Zoey admires the dolphins!

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