Baylee is so excited to go Trick or Treating!

Look at that smile on Amelia's face!

Visiting G & G Nguyen
Getting some cash from Grandma N.

The girls head on over to Grandma I's house! Look at those happy girls! They know candy goes in the buckets now!
Baylee thought she would stop and fill her bucket with some of Grandma's rocks!

Amelia is sick of waiting she decides to bring both buckets to the door!

Baylee knows to knock!

Waiting from Grandma!

Grandma goes with to visit Marilyn and Jerry!

Went to Auntie Joyce and Uncle Steve's house and look who we ran into, Mickey Mouse (a.k.a Cousin Davis)

We also ran into the house guard (a.k.a. Cousin Parker)

They head to the door to get some treats, Scooter and Maggie (dog cousins) are waiting for them!

Impromptu photo shoot, we were at Auntie Joyce's house afterall!

Major Cutie (a.k.a. Cousin Brianna)

Little Batterina (a.k.a. Cousin Zoey)
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