Uncle Vincent and Auntie Angie gave the girls a walker to practice their walking skills! They love it so much and fight over who gets it! Sometimes one is pushing from the back and the other pushes from the front. Let's just say they get frustrated with that.

Baylee is really a quick walker with it. She transfers from the walker to other objects really well.

They are such good friends and worst enemies. They will give each other hugs and kisses one minute and pull each other's hair the next!! But it is fun to see them light up when they see each other. Or when they play peek a boo and the other one laughs so hard!!

Amelia has a new way of smiling for the camera. She does this all the time when we get the camera out. She starts to giggle and throws her head back. She also walks well with the walker. She also loves to stand holding on to nothing!! She always grins at us when she does it, she is very proud of her new skill.
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