We wanted to let everyone know that we are waiting on a new power source for our laptop so we can update the blog with photos. It has been hard not having our computer to use. We are using our new roommates computer to do this update. Auntie Alexis moved in with us for a limited time due to some scary events. It is fun having her here. The girls light up every morning when they see her, it is like they can't figure out if she just got there or not.
The girls have been doing well. Here is a brief update on each girl...
Amelia Jule- Amelia had to deal with double ear infections from her cold a few weeks back. She has been chatting up a storm and all over the house, rolling here, scooting there. Her little personality sure is showing itself. She tries to fight us at bedtime, she thinks she needs to be rocked to sleep, mommy has been letting her cry, it usually only lasts 5 minutes. She must know her mommy is more stubborn than her. When she was at the doctor last week for her ear infections, she weighed 16 pounds 5 ounces. She is getting to look older and older every day :(, can't they stay babies forever. Her favorite toy right now is the talking Care Bears. She loves to be outside. This week she got to go on a playground swing and slides. She enjoyed both. She is doing well and we absolutely adore her.
Baylee Joy- Baylee is dealing with really bad acid reflux that is causing her to have strider. We took her in to an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor to have a scope put down her nose to look. She has very bad acid reflux that has caused some damage above the vocal cords. They have prescribed a stronger medicine, to help heal and prevent more. She weighed 16 pounds 3 ounces at the doctor's office. She has been getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth. We are sure it won't be long. She is our wild one. She always wants to be on the go. She has formed a huge attachment to her Mommy. Mommy can't leave the room, she thinks she has to be with her at all times. This is hard. She gets jealous if Mommy holds Amelia, but Mommy says she has to get over that. She is a little cuddle bug and loves to laugh at everything, even when her cousins are getting in trouble she laughs and thinks they are funny. Is this a sign of what's to come?? She is a joy and we adore her.
We are hoping the power source will come soon, so expect photos. Have a great day!
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