Today, I had surgery to remove my cerclage. It didn't go as planned, they had to knock me completely out instead of just sedation. I had to be stitched up because of some lacerations from the procedure. So, not liking sitting down right now :) We are now on the watch for labor to begin and Mister Charlie can come into this world!!! We will try to keep you all posted. We do have new photos of the girls but haven't uploaded them yet, we will try before he arrives!!!
We decided to carve pumpkins at Grandma I's house the other night with our cousins. Here the girls are with their carved pumpkins. Didn't they do a good job?? So, talented for 1 year!!! These photos are a little blurry, mommy's camera has been doing that lately :( We finished around 9:30pm, so the girls are in their jammies and doing really well an hour and half past their bedtime!! They went right to sleep when we got home. Baylee licking her pumpkin!
Amelia thought it was something for her to eat!
Here's the best shot we got of all the carved pumpkins!
Amelia picked up her spoon, used her hand to load it and then into the mouth, with most of it getting in!!! As you can see, Baylee's spoon was discarded, well basically ignored, right away! She dug right in! Poor girl was starving!
Amelia eats her spoon as well! But also used her fingers a lot!
Baylee loves eggs and cheese! Her toast as you can see is gone first!!
We didn't mean to publish 3 posts in one day but for some reason they all showed up, enjoy!
Baylee running around in the one layer her parents left on her when they got home late from the halloween party! She slept so late and was so tired from all the dancing! Here she is crawling around, she wanted to go back to bed!
Amelia in her duds the morning after. She was clingy and very tired! The girls are a lot like their Mommy, they need their sleep!
Smiling because she can smell the brunch Mommy was making for all of them! Yes, we all slept in late so no breakfast, a brunch instead!