I also promised some pictures from our shower. I have a few but I forgot to get the camera out after the first part of the party. I only have a few. If anyone has any pics, I would appreciate them. The first pic is Baylee with her Great Aunt Joann (mommy's godmother). Amelia is with her second cousin Sharon in the second pic. The bear cakes in the third pic were lovingly made by Auntie Julie, they turned out great, the whole party was beautiful. The last pic is what my living room looked like after showing daddy all the great presents, happy to report we have finally put everything away.
Sunday, mommy and daddy tried catching up with housework. We managed a few loads of laundry between feedings and changings. Mommy was actually able to cook a nice meal for daddy. The girls slept the evening away and then mom and dad tried to go to bed. The girls decided then it was time to be awake. We take moments to capture some pics at home. The girls have been now using the swing, generously loaned to us by Auntie Julie and Uncle Craig (Davis too!!!) They have also been liking the play mat we received from my cousin Julie and her family. They also like to have their glow seahorses in the bed or on the floor to stare at as it lights up. We have been trying to read to the girls every night. We have read all of the Brown Brown Bear series, Auntie Jeni gave us, several times. Daddy and Mommy are competing to see who has them memorized. The first three pics are the girls hanging out at home. The pink and purple outfits were given to the girls by Auntie Julie, Uncle Craig and Cousin Davis when the girls were born, "Look Auntie Julie they fit now." The girls have grown so much that now their newborn clothes are starting to fit. Daddy is a little tired, Amelia is giving him a run for his money in the next pic. The girls love to be next to each other, they both tend to roll towards the other so they can get as close as possible, but then one of them will hit the other or kick and then the peace is over, Is this a small preview of what is to come??? Minnie and Daisy take over the blankets Grandma I. made for the girls
The girls met their Auntie Alexis (Phoung-Nhu) this week. She was so happy to meet them, but was very nervous when Mommy just handed her a baby. Mommy didn't know Auntie Alexis had never held a newborn baby before. Auntie Alexis was very nervous but did a good job holding them. Daddy didn't help the situation he kept making remarks about the way she was holding them just to see her freak out. Daddy thought he was funny, Auntie Alexis did not. We snapped a few shots of them. I think the girls resemble Alexis.
Other photos this week. Minnie and Daisy got haircuts, the girl's first visit to the MOA and hanging out before bed.
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