I am trying to find inexpensive fun things to decorate the kids rooms with. I have decided on themes, girls' room-Disney Princess (surprise surprise), they really like Princess Tiana and Ariel! Charlie's room is going to be Handy Manny! Now, I am trying to motivate myself to go thrift store shopping to find creative items for their rooms. I do want to paint some canvas art for Charlie's room. We are not able to use those cool peel and stick murals because we have textured walls and they WILL NOT stick, no matter what you try. If anyone has any ideas let me know. I do not want to paint their walls, I want to create something without having to paint.
Girls room ideas so far:
Dress up corner-I am reusing some old hooks I found in the tool box to screw into the wall, they have disney dress up outfits they got from Auntie Alexis. I am painting letters to spell out DRESS UP above it. I am also looking for a cheap kid's hat stand for all their crowns and hats. This will go in the closet or just outside the closet, haven't decided yet.
I have 2 canvas art and 2 framed disney princess artwork for the walls.
I want to paint letters to spell out each girl's name with Princess in front of it, for above their beds.
I want to get disney princess bedding(this is going to wait until mommy gets her budget in check.
We have a little table already in there, we need some more storage for toys, I also have to find an area for their dolly play stuff. Thank goodness they have such a large room.
I plan on making curtains. Hitting the clearance fabric sections.
Charlie's room ideas
To get the toddler Handy Manny sheet/comforter set.
He has a cool blue dresser and a funky orange chair in his room. He also has a table and chairs in there, I am going to see if peel & stick stickers will stay on them.
I want to get some canvases and paint them first then add each one of the tools from a peel and stick sticker set to decorate the walls.
I want to paint HANDY CHARLIE letters for above his bed.
Those are all the ideas I have now. If someone out there in cyberland has any other really cool inexpensive ideas, let me know!!!