Little mister strapped to mommy, because cousin Davis took his seat in the triple stroller! The kids and mommy took Davy with us to the zoo! Yes, mommy was brave! Everyone was really well behaved! We left after a 9 or 10 year old pushed Davy down at the zoo park! Davis was offended and wanted to get away from the mean person! We ended up getting an ice cream treat from Culver's on the way home, to perk him back up!

Here's Amelia signing "more", she wanted to see more fish! The girls aren't talking much so we are teaching them sign language along with their speech teacher. It has worked well, they are saying a lot of words now periodically! They did learn "no" which isn't OUR favorite word! :)

Baylee and Amelia looking at the sharks! They love to point to the fish and say "ish"!

Davis insisted on sitting in the rear! He had a lot of fun playing in the play den and park!

All there staring at the giant sea turtle!