Hi, everyone! It's me, Amelia Jule. Mommy hasn't had time to upload any photos of us, she is busy going through the house and the shed getting things ready for a big garage sale. If anyone wants info, comment on the post and she will send you some info. Now, down to the update about me. In the last month, I have learned to walk. Mommy calls me a "Drunken Sailor". I get so excited that when I am about to fall I close my eyes and giggle. I also have learned how to blow raspberries at everyone. It is my new calling card. I also like to stand on my sister, pull her hair and push her out of my way a lot, Mommy doesn't like that, but I still do it :). Mommy and daddy feed us good yummy food now, not that mashed up junk, but I still like my bowl of cereal before bed. My favorite thing is to have a bath. I try to drink the water, but again Mommy doesn't like that either, we are learning Mommy doesn't like some of the naughty things we do. My favorite toy is still my dolly from Great Aunt Barb. I also like to watch the new movie Mommy and Daddy got free in the mail, Baby Einstein. I also love to wrestle with my Daddy, he lets us pull his hair, AGAIN mommy tells him that isn't ok, she thinks we will do it to everyone then, she's kind of right :)!!! I will let Baylee talk now, if she says anything about me pulling her bows out, "SHE'S LYING"
Hi, it's me Baylee Joy!! I had to wait for my sister to finally give up the computer. Well folks, I am a walker now! My mommy says I am a danger because I bump my head a lot, but I don't cry. I also learned how to climb up onto the couch, Mommy doesn't like this. I don't know why, I just stand up and jump up and down, she always manages to catch me. Do you see a problem with that?? It's lots of fun. I also like to wave to everyone and just today I finally understand what blowing a kiss means, Mommy has been trying for a month to get us to do that, I thought I would give her a break and get it down. I love to go to the park and go down the slides, however when we go in elevators, I get real scared and cry. Mommy says it is ok, but I am still scared. I like to climb on my sister, she whines about it, so then I get in trouble from Mommy. She does it to me, so what's the big deal, geez! My favorite toy right now is mommy cupboards. I like to empty them out. I have a feeling that is going to end soon, Mommy showed us some things she bought at Target that will lock them away, she is no fun, Daddy seemed excited about these locks too. What fun spoilers they are?? I like to have baths, I don't like it when my parents make me get out. I like to dance to Mommy's iphone, it is so much fun, I shake my head a lot and wave my hands in the air. I also like to raise my hands, when Mommy or Daddy say "So BIG". Mommy says it makes her want to cry because we are getting sooooo big! I kind of like it, I get to run around the house now!!!! Have a great day everyone!
Hi, it is Baby C here! I am still cooking inside Mommy. Tomorrow I will have cooked for a whole 20 weeks so far. I am half way there. Mommy and Daddy get to see me on Thursday morning for a big level 2 ultrasound. I am going to wave to them. They don't want to know if I am a boy or a girl, but folks "I know" he he he! I think Mommy might cave, I know that Daddy wants to know, he tells me all the time. Well, I won't be seeing any of you until Christmas time, Mommy says she hopes, but Daddy will post photos of me after Thursday's ultrasound. Stay happy everyone!
Hi, it's us, Minnie and Daisy! Yes, we are the dogs that live here. We are wondering why our house is invaded by two little girls who like to pull our hair and ride us like horses??? We have a feeling that Mommy is going to have another one. We will be out numbered then, please pray for us!!! :)