We went to the beach in San Diego. It was quite windy that day. We took a stroll through a park to the ocean!

Parker caught jumping off from a dolphin!

It was such a beautiful place!

Cousins exploring the ocean together.

The girls and mommy walking the beach!

Mommy thinking it is terribly cold, the girls liked to look down at the water. It was too cold to get them into their swimsuits.

Daddy wrote the girls' names in the sand!

Hanging out on the beach!

Nap time!

Strolling down the beach with Daddy, this was Daddy first visit to the ocean too!

We left San Diego and headed back to the GardenWalk in Anaheim to do a little shopping, the girls got their first set of skechers (even though they are size one and still too big)

Amelia didn't want the shoes, she thought she could eat some of mommy's ice cream.

Baylee liked the box a lot!

We were at the airport really early. We had a red eye flight. The girls stretched out on the floor with daddy while we waited to board the plane. The girls slept all the way home to MN. They only woke up when we walked off the plane and the MN cold air hit them. Let's just say they bellowed their discomfort. All in all, we had an awesome time! We are planning a trip to Disney World now for September. We are going to celebrate their 1st birthday!!! Auntie Alexis is excited she is going to come with. Disney is having such good pricing right now and we got airline tickets for 120 per person plus tax. It is such a good deal to fly, who could pass it up. We think the experience will be way different with two one year olds, but we are up for it and love that we have them to enjoy!!!