Hi, it's me Baylee! Hey, it's me too, Amelia!! We thought it was time for us to write in our family blog. Mommy and Daddy can't have all the fun. Mommy has been caught sleeping on occasion, we were in co hoots with Daddy and took her picture. Mommy wasn't happy, but just kept on sleeping. We have decided to let them sleep at night every two hours before our tummies are so rumbly we have to get them up. Because face it we just can't reach the fridge or microwave to make our own bottles. Daddy stayed up more last night and mommy got to sleep. She seemed more alert this morning while she read us some books. We like to listen to Mommy, we keep our eyes open and stare at her and she always smiles at us. We all had to get up early because the home nurse came to weigh us. I weighed in at 5 lbs 9 Oz and my sister weighed in at 5 lbs 12Oz. Yes, we have become little oinkers. The formula/breast milk combo seems to be doing it's tricks. We also got good news, now both those stinky staph infections are all gone in me. I am feeling all better and love to be awake several times a day. Amelia is also showing off, like me of course, and being awake a lot during the day. Mommy and Daddy watch out we are going to give you guys a run for your money. I posted some more pictures, check out mommy asleep and of course the two of us, how can you not say we are cute??? Oops, mommy says that isn't nice to say, but Auntie Joyce says I am the DIVA so I am just living up to the name. Bye oh Amelia says bye too.
All photos are property of the AJNGUYENFAMILY.blogspot.com-no other uses allowed
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A day in the life of twins
Well, the girls think nighttime is to be awake. UGH!! It is a good thing mom isn't working right now. Dad is trying to help at night but he really is a sound sleeper with his CPAP machine on. Last night the girls slept more than the night before. We are trying to keep them up during the day. It seemed to help a little but just like when they were in the womb from 12-4 they think it is party time. This time they have invited their parents, which we love but would like some sleep too!!! :) They have both gained weight since coming home from the hospital. Baylee will be tested one more time tomorrow for the last staph infection to be gone. She had one lingering but it should show up negative tomorrow. Amelia's has still stayed negative. The pediatric home nurse will be coming to access the girls tomorrow to do the tests and weights. No fevers to report, thank goodness. They do not like having their temps taken, but we only have 3 days left of that. It seems all is going well. I am surprised at myself that I am not more tired. I do have to admit, which Tony would agree, I am a bit crabbier. I will adjust, just like the girls will eventually start sleeping at night instead of the day. It will just take time. Tony has went back to work and wishing he was at home with the girls. He calls more than he used to, which was only 3 times before now he has doubled that. It is rather endearing, he is such a nervous dad. He wants all of us to be ok. Which we are. He tries hard to get everything perfect, mom says to relax the diaper sometimes goes on crooked in the middle of the night. Just the other day mom put a diaper on Baylee around 1 in the morning and by 1:15 she was screaming because mom didn't have it covering her butt completely and let's just say mom had some cleaning up to do. Everyone makes mistakes, the good thing about it is, they make great stories and the kids will never remember it. Two babies are a lot of work and I can't imagine what the women who have triplets, quads, quints, and up do. I would go insane. They must have around the clock help. The girls are currently sleeping at the same time, YEAH!!! Mom is going to eat lunch and then the three of us are venturing out on an errand, hopefully they like their car seats today. I will post some more pictures later.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
We are so excited to have the girls home again. They are healthy. This morning we found out that Baylee had contracted two different staph bacterial infections from a contaminate she got from having blood drawn. Amelia's tests stayed negative, and Baylee has gotten rid of the infections. They are both doing well, they need to gain weight. Baylee lost .5 pounds from yesterday to this morning. Apparently, she didn't want to eat last evening. We wake them up every two hours to eat. Baylee and Amelia have started nursing again, mom is producing some milk since the placenta is now all out. They get a bottle afterwards as well, it is hard to judge how much breast milk they are getting so we still supplement. They were put on a different formula again, this one has more calories in it. It is made for preemies so they can gain weight. We were very pleased with the care they received at the NICU. We also stopped into MPP to say hi to Dr. Calvin and introduce him to the two girls he helped save by doing the rescue cerclage on me. We are home now, feeding and changing two little girls. They are so much more alert now, then before. They both lift their little heads off your shoulder and look into your eyes. Amelia was awake a full hour and half today while dad was grocery shopping. She kept smiling at me too as I talked to her. Baylee was snuggling with her Grandma at the time. Having twins is a lot of work, but I wouldn't change anything. They are really sweet babies. Their skin color is so light and pink now that the jaundice is completely gone. They are a little bruised from all the blood draws and IV pokes, but they will heal. Our goal is to have each of them reach their birth weight by Friday at their two week appointment. I posted some more pictures for all to see. The first four are from the NICU and going home, the rest are from friday and Saturday of last week. They have a photo with their Great Aunt Joan as well.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Life gets crazier
As you can see our lives got a little crazier today. I am recovering from a successful D and C. I will be ok. The girls had an excellent day. They were taken off 2 of their preventive antibiotic as well as Zantac. They will keep them on the last antibiotic until the results of what kind of string the gram positive cocci in clusters is, whether it was a contaminate or an infection. It looks positive towards a contaminate today, because Amelia's is still negative. The spinal fluid is still negative, the urine is too. They had until tonight to grow. All results will be there in the morning, as well as they will be taking blood one more time to make sure Baylee is clear. The nurses called to make sure we are there in the morning for rounding. Once that comes in the girls get to come home. I am thinking positive that all is well, and we are going with the theory the neonatologist had today, the fever came from a virus or small bug they got. The lethargy they had seems to be gone, they are bright eyed today. In the last 24 hours, their feedings have been consistent and they are taking in more. They have both put on ounces. Their jaundice is nearly gone, both are down below 6, YEAH!! The docs also think that may have had a hand in the poor feedings and lethargy. All I know is that whatever it was, it seems to be gone and our little angels are pinking up and have been awake a lot. I couldn't be happier. All I know is that from now on when doctors begin to work with the girls and list everything that could be, we need to stay calm and wait for results. It isn't worth worrying over, because in this case it could be something as small as a virus, but when they list all the things it could be, in my life I have always expected the worse. I am determined that is going to change. I have two beautiful daughters (sorry for the biased opinion) and things will get better for their sake. I am getting healed now with the D and C and they are healthy and ready to come back home. I don't think I would of done anything different. The neonatologists said that no matter what child came in at the age they were and their preliminary lab results, the same measures would of been taken. They don't mess with infants that young. I am glad for what they have done. I remember the first doc told me, he wasn't going to send the girls home until they were eating like pigs. Well, my little oinkers are. The NICU staff was excellent in caring for our girls, they encourage the parents to do all the caring for babies. I changed diapers, feed, took temperatures, measured dirty diapers on a scale, administered all meds that weren't IV related, and anything else they needed. Both Tony and I feel lucky the girls are healthy because a lot of the babies there are not and we pray for all of them and their families. We also are very thankful to my sisters Joyce and Julie for dropping everything to rush to the hospital today to sit with the girls as Tony and I went down to have the surgery. I feel bad that they got behind in their work, if there is anything I can do, I will do it in a heartbeat. This big rain cloud hanging over my head has been blown away tonight. Both Tony and I agree life is going to come to a more uneventful and peaceful, minus screaming babies at night :). I will take screaming babies over another hospital stay any day. I hope that from now on I can be the one called to help someone instead of me calling to get help. Family is the best, I just hope I can return the favors to them, so they know how much I appreciate it. I have always been sensitive and easy to cry and I appreciate everyone's patience with me. How do you thank the people who in your life are your rocks??? Is it possible to express your feelings good enough??? Will they ever know how much you appreciate and love them for being unselfish and loving??? Please know that I am not good at expressing myself well, but I never take what others do for me for grant it. I pray that life starting tomorrow will be calm and uneventful, and I will heal so I can help those who helped us. I will post tomorrow the girls status, which I am sure will be THEIR HOME.-
The flight was smooth...
...but apparently, the roads in Life are a bit bumpy.
So Amelia and Baylee have been taken off their monitors and meds save for one antibiotic for Baylee's blood infection. The doc today was optimistic that the infection was no more than a skin infection that contaminated the blood cultures when they took blood out, so another culture is being run through to verify that. Provided the outcome of this test will determine when the babies can leave, either by tomorrow or by next week. Hope that the culture is negative.
But the bump happens this morning when Jill reports not feeling well this morning and what seems to be very heavy bleeding. Turns out per her docs at MPP that she still has a sizable chunk of placenta still inside her, so they went in this afternoon to take it out and she'll likely need to go home or get a separate room for the day to rest up and lay down. Everything went well as far as the removal goes, I'll keep updates if anything changes, but just pray some type or normalcy falls on us soon before we go nuts.
So Amelia and Baylee have been taken off their monitors and meds save for one antibiotic for Baylee's blood infection. The doc today was optimistic that the infection was no more than a skin infection that contaminated the blood cultures when they took blood out, so another culture is being run through to verify that. Provided the outcome of this test will determine when the babies can leave, either by tomorrow or by next week. Hope that the culture is negative.
But the bump happens this morning when Jill reports not feeling well this morning and what seems to be very heavy bleeding. Turns out per her docs at MPP that she still has a sizable chunk of placenta still inside her, so they went in this afternoon to take it out and she'll likely need to go home or get a separate room for the day to rest up and lay down. Everything went well as far as the removal goes, I'll keep updates if anything changes, but just pray some type or normalcy falls on us soon before we go nuts.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Unfortunate news
The girls were admitted to NICU at children's hospital yesterday. Jill noticed they were warm and took temps. Amelia had a 100.2 so Jill called the clinic and they sent us to the ER. By the time we got to the ER both girls were over 101. They did urine, blood and a spinal tap test. Jill held them fine throughout all the poking, I am not able to watch so I stepped out. After the fourth attempt of putting an IV in Baylee, they told Jill they needed to put the IV in her head. Well, for the bravest mom and wife, that was enough to cause Jill to cry. The nurse understood and sent us on a walk with Amelia until Baylee was done. The girls got their first taste of sugar. To put in an IV they give the girls a little ball thing filled with glucose to help their veins pop. Let's just say they have a sweet tooth like their mom. OH NO!! Today was a hard day waiting for results. The cultures take 48 hours, only 24 to go. Baylee's blood test came back positive for gram positive cocci in clusters. This is a bacterial blood infection, they think came from the vaginal birth. Jill feels guilty, but they turned off all her meds when she had the reaction to the epidural, so the antibiotic was not in her system when she delivered. Jill blames herself even though everyone here in the NICU is praising her for watching and worrying about the girls enough to bring them in. This infection left untreated is fatal in newborns. I am very proud of her. She knew something wasn't right with the girls since she brought them home. The signs of lethargy, not eating, losing weight and fever, even though some are common with preemies, were not normal all together. Jill hasn't left their side, unless forced by nurses and myself to eat. I can't express how proud I am to have her as the mom of my children and my wife. Honey, when you can read this, YOU ROCK!!! Jill is staying at the hospital with the girls, it is called rooming in. They are in room 38 in the NICU. If you want to talk to her you have to call the NICU to be connected to their room. The phone flashes, doesn't ring, Jill sometimes misses it. There is a answering machine, she will check it and try to give calls back. You can write an email as well, I am bringing up our laptop to her in the morning. The estimated time of stay is currently 1-2 weeks. Jill is upset they will miss their baby shower, but wants them to get better. Well, I am heading back to work in the morning, I wish I could be there for the ladies in my life, but I have to bring home a paycheck. If anyone wants to visit, adults are allowed with photo ID accompanied by Jill or myself. Children are not allowed in the NICU unless they are a sibling to the baby. However, children are allowed to be in the family room with one adult while the other adult visits the babies. There are rules in the NICU, when visiting Jill or myself will explain the rules. This isn't the way we imagined their first weeks of life, Jill did such a good job keeping them in and this is killing her having them be sick, she blames herself. We all know it isn't her fault but the nurses said her hormones will make her more sensitive. I will try to update, Jill probably will too. We just pray they get better and the culture for anything else stay negative.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
They are a week old now
AJ and BJ are over a week old now. What a week it has been. They are really good babies, they sleep a lot and are little snugglers. We have had a concern with them dropping weight. We are working with a feeding specialist at the hospital as well as their doctor to get them to gain weight by monday. We found some nipples that have a very slow flow so their little mouths don't over fill with formula. They have worked great, the girls have ate well off from them. BJ was given a prescription for Zantac as well, and thankfully it is working she hasn't spit up at all today, knock on wood. Daddy went and bought a scale to help monitor their weight at home, and I am sure to calm down nervous, crying mom. It is a lot different being a parent you worry about every little thing, from the color of poop to "Are they breathing?" every two minutes. I hope that the plan we are currently on will work. I have to fight the temptation to put them on the scale every two minutes. I used to be more laid back of a person, not so much anymore. We are doing well with coping with having twins. Ask me again in a month, or even when they are two and bitting each other. I may change my mind. I would like to let my sister Janice know how much I appreciate her help the last two evenings and today. She has helped by coming over and helping us wake the babies up to feed them. It also helps to have someone there to calm down a nervous mom. AJ and BJ are lucky to call you their Auntie. BJ is probably still thinking about the pep talk you gave her last night about eating. She has been eating great ever since, so what ever you said seems to be working. Thanks a bunch. Since the girls are sleeping and I have a half an hour before the next feeding, and changing session, I think I will take a little nap. I posted some more photos for all to enjoy. I can't wait until Monday, they have their first photo shoot at Grace Park Photography (AKA Auntie Joyce) on Monday. So we will be sending out announcements soon.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Good News
The girls had a visit from the ob home care and their bili-levels have started to come down. Amelia will gradually be taken off the light therapy, Baylee's levels thankfully didn't reach a level that she would need light therapy. They have an appointment again tomorrow to recheck levels and to have Amelia's white blood count checked. We want that to climb. They were a lot more alert today. I love to look into their little eyes. They are really dark, almost black looking. You can tell in the sun light that it is a very dark blue. We wonder after the eyes start to turn color what their color will be. Baylee was breastfeeding today, when she stopped suddenly and started laughing (it looked to me like laughing), I wonder what she found funny. They both smile in their sleep and occasionally smile while awake. They are sleeping for most of the day, but are being really good at night. We feed them 3 times between 9pm and 6am. Tony was a little out of it one of the times I woke him up to get the bottles (still hard for me to get around) he went in the kitchen and cleaned bottles out and then forgot to bring two back. It was kind of funny for me to watch him try to figure out what he was suppose to do. We have the feeding down to a schedule. They both feed at the same time. We first try to breastfeed both and the supplement with the bottle. Amelia had stopped latching on when we gave her the bottle 2 days ago, but with mom's determination, she started re latching on last night. I am still not getting a lot of milk, the ob home nurse said that has a lot to do with the loss of blood I had and the low iron levels. She said to drink lots and to keep pumping. If it works, it works, if not we will have to do formula. If anyone knows anyone who using Similac formula, we currently have lots of cans that we are not going to use, the girls are on a certain type of Enfamil. Please let me know, or I will send it to the food shelf. We are having a good time being parents!!!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The last few days
Well, in the last few days, we've learned a lot about parenting. The greatest one is patience with each other. Last night was the first night we got sleep. The girls woke up for feedings but went back to sleep. Tony was in charge of Baylee and I had Amelia. Amelia is on a light machine for her jaundice, so I was a little nervous about the cords. They have both been very sleepy. We have been to see their doctor twice to check Bili levels. Amelia is higher today than yesterday but they think it would of been much higher if we hadn't started the light therapy yesterday. Amelia also had a white blood count of 6, which was worrisome, 9-35 is normal for preemies. We had her retested today and she is at 9.5. At least she is in the range now. We are supplementing formula with her because she needs to get rid of the jaundice and momma isn't producing enough. I hope I will soon. Amelia also has to take zantac twice a daily. This has helped her to keep down what she takes in. Her color is slowly coming back. Jaundice is pretty common and I am sure all will be well, I just want the home therapy to work for us. Otherwise the girls are doing great. They are going through a ton of diapers, :)
My mom has helped us out the last two days. I am not able to get around very quickly, stitches are not fun :( Tony and my mom gave the girls a sponge bath today. Let's just say the girls voiced their opinions rather loudly, I am surprised my sister Joyce who lives a mile away didn't hear them. The girls like to cuddle up with their grandma. We posted some pictures to show the girls and grandma. Janice came down last evening to help get the girls awake and to eat. They were lethargic and the doctors told me to make sure they woke up. Janice helped Tony while I took a bath. We thank them for all their help.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Thanks for flying Mommy Airlines!
Welcome Amelia and Baylee, on September 12th, 2008, you have safely arrived at the Airport of Life on time with an estimated time of 36 weeks after a 10.5 hour descent to the 10 cm mark. Temperatures were a cool 68 degrees as Mommy was wheeled into the Operation Room Tarmac. Conditions were smooth as Mommy delivered the packages with ease and in quick sucessions at 7:42 pm and 7:44 pm to the amazement of the doctor, nurses, the doula and especially, Capt. Daddy. Enjoy the many points of interest here in Life and remember never to pass up any opportunity you two meet and to always have each other's backs. Remember, here at Life, the possibilities are infinite! Stay safe and happy and always remember to show the world your charming smiles.

This is Capt Daddy and Mommy saying welcome and congratulations, you guys have made it!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Quick snippet
Hey girls, this is Dad speaking. Mom says you no longer are grounded from your "wombs" anymore, so come on out whenever you want to now, we'll be ready!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Well, another weekend has passed and another weekend the babies have stayed in. Jill feels that being that it's short of a miracle the babies stayed in for so long, now they've taken the diva route and are just showing off to all the doubters. Hey babies, we all get it, you girls made it, now come on out and let us love on you! The Totsite currently has a poll on when they'll come out to greet us. I said the 12th, what do you think?
Friday, September 5, 2008
We made it. I can't believe it. I won't repeat what I said in the other blog but I am so happy. We could have babies any day now. I am now on modified bedrest and that is heaven to me. I just can't wait to see them. Am I ready to be a mom??? Yes, but still nervous, but excited and feeling rather blessed. These babies are our miracle babies and we both are still in awe that this has worked out so well. Again, thanks to Dr. Calvin for saving them. Ok. I will update again tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Mommy feels more like a beached whale than a Captain
Well, I have to say Tony has a way with words, bless his heart. I am excited too to welcome the girls home. I really am excited to finally put faces with all these kicks to the ribs. I am happy the doctor last night told me to get up a little more and walk. My legs are starting to have problems and since I am so close it isn't going to throw me into labor ASAP. I have been moving around a lot more but I am concerned they are wrong about my leg because it still hurts like the dickens and I feel there really is a blood clot in there. I will have them retest on Friday. My goals today are to finish editing the batch of photos for Grace Park Photography, hang up some new baby clothes from Grandma and Grandpa Nguyen, and to take a 10 minute walk in this weather. Oh, and to stay pregnant. I will have to wait for Tony to do the walk tonight. Tony's sister Alexis stopped by yesterday, she made me lunch and brought over a large bag of clothes for the girls from Kohl's compliments of Grandma and Grandpa Nguyen. They are really cute. Alexis was in Japan all summer so it is nice she stops by when she is done with school, she goes to IHCC here in Inver Grove. She plays with the dogs and even made some mac and cheese for lunch. I talked her through it, she wants me to teach her how to cook, something she is scared to do. So we started small with Mac and cheese. She is excited to be an aunt again, Tony's brothers each have one child. Grandpa Nguyen talked to Tony last night and asked if the babies could be here by the 23rd, he leaves for Vietnam on the 24th. I laughed and told him I would try. Well, all is going ok, just this darn leg pain needs to go ASAP. It hurts to lay down or stand up. UGH......I will just have to think happy thoughts.:)
Amelia and Baylee, this is Capt Daddy speaking...
...we are fast approaching your arrival time of 36 weeks and I would like to say a few things before you decide to take the runway. First off, congrats on proving the whole world wrong on how long you two would hold out. It's been a struggle all around, but out of sheer amazement, you girls are hanging in there strong. Secondly, Co-Capt Mommy and Daddy both wish to extend our everlasting love to you both as we wait for your safe and happy landing (For you, though, I'm doubtful for Mommy that it'll be happy) down the birth canal or 4 inch cut. Lastly, be forwarned of the crowd of fans your popularity has procured over the last 9 months, they'll be anxiously awaiting you at the Airport of Life (a.k.a the Birth Center) like pre-teen girls for Hannah Montana.
Love you much!
Love you much!
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