Well, I am making it further and further. My cousin, Carla in Arizona, gave birth to her twins a couple days ago. We were due on almost the same day. The boy, Savio, weighed just over 5 pounds and the girl, Saria, weighed just over 3 pounds. They are both in the NICU. Saria is in because of her size and Savio was having a hard time with his breathing. We hope all goes well with all of them and wish them the very best and much happiness with their two new bundles of joy. We can't believe that we will soon have two more in our family. It seems unreal. I think I still live through the horror 16 weeks ago. I still think they are that small and can't survive. My dreams seem so vivid when I picture them here, too small. You would think my mind would be able to switch to healthy babies or at least bigger than a pound babies. I remember when I was in the hospital the second time, my sister Joyce called me from the cabin and said she had a dream my twins came and they were small enough to fit in my purse. I think I still have that image in my mind.
Tony has been working long hours at Geek squad. It seems everyone is getting ready for school and college. I am excited for my nieces and nephews to go back to school. I always liked going back. Parker is starting a new school for gifted kids and I hope he enjoys it. Marissa and Zachary are going to the same school, so they will at least know kids and staff. Brianna is going to a new school, Parker's old school. I will be helping Janice with getting her on the bus from Joyce's house. Zoey and Davis will still be at Janice's daycare. I wish them all the best in school.
I am working on some editing of photos for sister's photo studio. If all goes well, I will take over with helping weekly with photo editing. A job I can do with the twins with me. If any one wants really good pictures at a steal of a price, go to graceparkphotograpy.com and check Joyce's website out. Some are scared about the price but this price includes a disk that you can print your own pictures from. After hearing what others pay for disks this is such a steal. I may be bias because she is my sister but she wouldn't be as busy as she is if she weren't good at it. Ok, so that was a shameless plug for my sister :)
I hope that the Labor Day weekend is good for everyone and the start of school is great for all the kids and the parents.
All photos are property of the AJNGUYENFAMILY.blogspot.com-no other uses allowed
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
A little more "pop"
Hi everyone,
So being that work is boring today, I decided to update this blog some more to include music, just click on the hyperlink to the left of your screen to enjoy this site with music. Take care everyone!
So being that work is boring today, I decided to update this blog some more to include music, just click on the hyperlink to the left of your screen to enjoy this site with music. Take care everyone!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Another day at home
Well, I am here yet another day. I am getting so close. I keep that 36 week goal in mind. I think if they were to let me go until 38-39 I might just go crazy, if I am not already. I am having a visit from OB home care today. They will do a biophysical test, non stress test and blood pressure. I am hoping this is their second to last visit before the babies arrive. I am wanting to delivery soon. Yes, I shouldn't complain, it has been a miracle, but it is getting really hard on my emotions as well as this body. My stitch is stretching a little, and as you can imagine that does not feel to good. I have been sleeping better which is great.
Yesterday, my friends Carolyn and Nancy stopped by with all the kids. It was great seeing them all. The kids are getting so big, I can't believe this fall Holly will be 10 years old. I was her nanny when she was 131/2 months old. She is so tall and thin. I still see her as the little baby who waved to everyone from her stroller. Gosh, where does the time go. Abby asked her mom if I get to keep my babies. Nancy and I think she is so used to seeing me as a nanny that she thinks the babies will go somewhere else. I still can't believe they are mine and I will have them 24/7. That is way different then let's say 9-5. :) I do miss being a nanny a lot. It is hard to be at home when you want to work. Some would say I am crazy but when you are used to working, you go a little stir crazy. I seem to talk to the dogs a lot. :)
Well, my nurse is here, I will write again soon.
Yesterday, my friends Carolyn and Nancy stopped by with all the kids. It was great seeing them all. The kids are getting so big, I can't believe this fall Holly will be 10 years old. I was her nanny when she was 131/2 months old. She is so tall and thin. I still see her as the little baby who waved to everyone from her stroller. Gosh, where does the time go. Abby asked her mom if I get to keep my babies. Nancy and I think she is so used to seeing me as a nanny that she thinks the babies will go somewhere else. I still can't believe they are mine and I will have them 24/7. That is way different then let's say 9-5. :) I do miss being a nanny a lot. It is hard to be at home when you want to work. Some would say I am crazy but when you are used to working, you go a little stir crazy. I seem to talk to the dogs a lot. :)
Well, my nurse is here, I will write again soon.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Things have changed in our 34 week of pregnancy
Well, I have had quite a week. I have started contracting regularly even on Nifedipine. They say it is normal with twin pregnancies and in a case like mine. We ended up in Labor and Delivery again on Sunday night (actually early Monday morning). I seemed to have developed an allergy to Nifedipine. This is rare but can happen over time, this is the same with any drug. I am very sensitive to drugs so I am not surprised. So, the doctor's plan is for me to take benedryl on a regular basis until this Friday, then I am to stop taking Nifedipine. Which as we all know will eventually lead to labor (hopefully not for a week). I want to make it to September, the 5th would be great, the 8th excellent so I can go to my nephew Davis' 1st birthday party. I really don't want to miss it. He is starting to walk and I haven't seen him, so I really would like to be there, I don't want him to think his Auntie Jill and Uncle Tony didn't want to go to his party. The babies looked great on the ultrasound, they are both very near 5 pounds. They should be that by Thursday according to the nurse. Then in another week, they should gain a half to three quarters of a pound. Of course weight isn't the most important thing, lung development is. The doctor told me that she has seen a nine pound baby come out with huge lung problems and a 4 pound baby come out with good lungs. She said weight is not a sign of a healthy baby. But no worries, I had the shots for their lungs already and they are not expecting too many problems. But like all preemies they have the chance to be on oxygen for a little bit when first born. It is great to be over 34 weeks because the negative side effects of being born early decrease so much, they have 99% chance of being healthy babies. Which is a lot more than we have expected throughout this whole pregnancy.
I just got a call from my doctor's office. My hemoglobin is too low. I have to take more iron pills. It is at 9 and they want it higher than 11 when I deliver. I don't want to bleed out or be anemic. UGH!!! What else could happen??? I am getting a little frustrated and crabby. Sorry. I just wish something will go good. Maybe this means the delivery and recovery will be excellent???? A girl can have hope, right?
Well, I am having visitors soon, so I will write again tomorrow. Have a great day!!!
I just got a call from my doctor's office. My hemoglobin is too low. I have to take more iron pills. It is at 9 and they want it higher than 11 when I deliver. I don't want to bleed out or be anemic. UGH!!! What else could happen??? I am getting a little frustrated and crabby. Sorry. I just wish something will go good. Maybe this means the delivery and recovery will be excellent???? A girl can have hope, right?
Well, I am having visitors soon, so I will write again tomorrow. Have a great day!!!
Friday, August 22, 2008
We made it to 34 weeks
I can't believe it. I feel like it is a miracle that hasn't stopped. I truly feel Tony and I have been blessed to last as long as we have. I thank him for the nice blog this morning. But I have to do my own praise. I haven't done this on my own. Anthony has been there all the way, from working two jobs, cleaning the house, cooking all the meals, shopping, taking care of the dogs, comforting a crying wife, moving us to a new home, and just being there as my partner in this. If it weren't for him, I don't think I would ever have gone as long as I have. I feel he has done just as much as I have. We are a team and that will not change when the babies come. Much loves to him, I am so happy you are my husband.
Ok, I will stop being sentimental. I am feeling so much better today. The upping of meds has helped the contractions calm down. The babies are moving all over. It is really fun to watch my stomach move when they do. Yesterday, our youngest dog, Daisy, was laying her head on my stomach sleeping. Baylee responds to whatever pressure you put on my stomach and kicks, so she kicked at Daisy's head. Daisy raised her head looked at my stomach as Baylee kicked again. Daisy started growling at my stomach. I couldn't stop laughing when finally Daisy gave up and moved herself to end of the bed ignoring me. Our older dog, Minnie doesn't mind anymore she lays across my stomach, like she has since a puppy, and she doesn't care if my stomach moves. I really hope she doesn't mind the babies when they are finally out of my stomach. We are worried about her reaction since she is a toy poodle and they tend to attach themselves to one person. Her one person is me. We hope that she will smell me on the babies and realize that they are mine and she will love and protect them. If not she has our bedroom to hide in. She does like my nieces and nephews. She is always licking Brianna's face and trying to clean up Zoey's face or hands after she eats(imagine that). She kind of smells at little Davis but when he was a baby we would babysit and she would sit with me as I held him and growl at Daisy if she tried to lick Davis. Maybe that is a good sign. Now, Daisy, she is still a puppy and loves Davis a little too much. She licks his face and wants him to play but because she is so eager to play she scares Davis and makes him cry. Which is not a good sign since he is used to three dogs in his own home. Daisy will just have to learn to leave the babies alone.
I hope you all have a good day and enjoy the last weeks of summer.
Ok, I will stop being sentimental. I am feeling so much better today. The upping of meds has helped the contractions calm down. The babies are moving all over. It is really fun to watch my stomach move when they do. Yesterday, our youngest dog, Daisy, was laying her head on my stomach sleeping. Baylee responds to whatever pressure you put on my stomach and kicks, so she kicked at Daisy's head. Daisy raised her head looked at my stomach as Baylee kicked again. Daisy started growling at my stomach. I couldn't stop laughing when finally Daisy gave up and moved herself to end of the bed ignoring me. Our older dog, Minnie doesn't mind anymore she lays across my stomach, like she has since a puppy, and she doesn't care if my stomach moves. I really hope she doesn't mind the babies when they are finally out of my stomach. We are worried about her reaction since she is a toy poodle and they tend to attach themselves to one person. Her one person is me. We hope that she will smell me on the babies and realize that they are mine and she will love and protect them. If not she has our bedroom to hide in. She does like my nieces and nephews. She is always licking Brianna's face and trying to clean up Zoey's face or hands after she eats(imagine that). She kind of smells at little Davis but when he was a baby we would babysit and she would sit with me as I held him and growl at Daisy if she tried to lick Davis. Maybe that is a good sign. Now, Daisy, she is still a puppy and loves Davis a little too much. She licks his face and wants him to play but because she is so eager to play she scares Davis and makes him cry. Which is not a good sign since he is used to three dogs in his own home. Daisy will just have to learn to leave the babies alone.
I hope you all have a good day and enjoy the last weeks of summer.
34 weeks!
So this blog is really to my wife, super congrats on making it to the BIG 3-4. To think that 15 weeks ago, we could never in our wildest imagination have made it to this point. We came from getting ready for a devastating loss to getting ready for long-term NICU stays to shorter NICU stays to almost take-home babies. Words cannot explain your bravery in this now 15-week trek to keep our babies inside nor can words express the miracle of lasting longer than any doctor had given you and the babies. To Jill and her amazing efforts!!
BTW, here's a more recent pic of her taken yesterday compared to the one taken about a week ago, can you tell the difference asides from the obvious change in clothes?

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Hot summer day!!!
Hi, there. I went outside thinking that I would sit outside but that lasted two minutes. Man is it hot out there. I have missed being outside since I have been on bedrest but today I will gladly stay in our air conditioned home. We received a nice gift of candy from our friends at Al's Sub Stand at the MN state fair, thanks a bunch Cori and Mark. I called Julie, who is maning her booth at the fair, she was out to lunch eating some good fair food. She said it was slow and hot. It has been a long time since I missed the fair.
Tony is working tonight and I am on my own, hanging out. I was going to see if someone wanted to pick me up and let me lay on their couch and hang out. Since my parents and two sisters live blocks away, it wouldn't be too much trauma. I get a little lonely. Which is expected since I am on bedrest.
I have been making a lot of friends on the internet that are in similiar situations as me. I have on friend who is pregnant with Quadruplets. Wow, that is a lot. I am scared about time for two infants, add two more and her older two girls and that woman is a saint. She had a cerclage like me and the doctor who did it basically had the two of us meet. She is in the hospital so we try to write often so we both have someone to talk to that knows how it is. She is as diligent as I am about bedrest, she wishes she could fast forward time. I know when I was at her point, not even viable babies yet, I wished for the same thing. Because of her having quads, we could very well deliver at the same time. I told her they are going to be busy there at United. I wish her well and hope she makes it to her goal of 28 weeks to give her babies the best chance at life. My friend from our multiples class gave birth to her twin girls at 32 weeks 5 days. She wrote me and said they only spent 21 days in the NICU. I was so happy for her. She was forced to deliver because of complications, but the babies are doing well and are super cute. She is also a member of MNVMOM (Mn valley moms of multiples). We were talking about their future sale in Eagan. It is on the 27th. I don't know if I will be up to it by then, if I am still pregnant, I won't be able to move :), and if I have the babies, they can't go and I will be recovering soon. I may have to send Tony with someone to help him pick out things. They have great deals at cheap prices.
Well, I think this is good for today, I am chatty because I don't get to talk to many people throughout the day, well except Minnie and Daisy who don't really respond back:) Have a cool day!!!
Tony is working tonight and I am on my own, hanging out. I was going to see if someone wanted to pick me up and let me lay on their couch and hang out. Since my parents and two sisters live blocks away, it wouldn't be too much trauma. I get a little lonely. Which is expected since I am on bedrest.
I have been making a lot of friends on the internet that are in similiar situations as me. I have on friend who is pregnant with Quadruplets. Wow, that is a lot. I am scared about time for two infants, add two more and her older two girls and that woman is a saint. She had a cerclage like me and the doctor who did it basically had the two of us meet. She is in the hospital so we try to write often so we both have someone to talk to that knows how it is. She is as diligent as I am about bedrest, she wishes she could fast forward time. I know when I was at her point, not even viable babies yet, I wished for the same thing. Because of her having quads, we could very well deliver at the same time. I told her they are going to be busy there at United. I wish her well and hope she makes it to her goal of 28 weeks to give her babies the best chance at life. My friend from our multiples class gave birth to her twin girls at 32 weeks 5 days. She wrote me and said they only spent 21 days in the NICU. I was so happy for her. She was forced to deliver because of complications, but the babies are doing well and are super cute. She is also a member of MNVMOM (Mn valley moms of multiples). We were talking about their future sale in Eagan. It is on the 27th. I don't know if I will be up to it by then, if I am still pregnant, I won't be able to move :), and if I have the babies, they can't go and I will be recovering soon. I may have to send Tony with someone to help him pick out things. They have great deals at cheap prices.
Well, I think this is good for today, I am chatty because I don't get to talk to many people throughout the day, well except Minnie and Daisy who don't really respond back:) Have a cool day!!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Tony has some free time!
Hi there,
So, at work, I decided to change my computer's desktop wallpaper and make it a bit more personal. So I generated this, isn't it cute? It's contains the pics of the cribs and newly added are the pictures of the "great"-aunts' presents to our babies. ("Great" is an understatement, you guys are fabulous for getting these, they're so precious, thanks so much!). Enjoy!
So, at work, I decided to change my computer's desktop wallpaper and make it a bit more personal. So I generated this, isn't it cute? It's contains the pics of the cribs and newly added are the pictures of the "great"-aunts' presents to our babies. ("Great" is an understatement, you guys are fabulous for getting these, they're so precious, thanks so much!). Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
We started a new blog spot for our family
Hi, I have been doing a tot spot for the girls throughout our pregnancy but I thought it would be a good idea to make one for the whole family. The tot spot also only lasts 6 months. I have been reading other blogspots and wanted to start ours. I am currently still on bedrest with our twin girls. I am having a hard time dealing with the end of this bedrest thing, I am ready to get up. I know that it is not safe to get up so I am not, but the temptation is getting harder and harder every day.
My husband is being very supportive. He has been trying to cheer me up. He is counting down the days until the 31st of August. We will be right over 35 weeks and he is going to bring me to Target and push me in a wheelchair to finish our registery. I sit up at the doctor's office for 3-4 hours, 1-2 times a week, so we think sitting in a wheelchair for 1 hour at Target can't be that harmful. Also the bigger the girls get the less likely something would happen. Also, they are going to be taking me off Heparin, so I need to get up more anyway so I do not produce another blood clot in my legs. Hopefully, I will make it that far, 35 weeks seems like a goal I can make it to. Now, 3 months ago, they didn't think I would make it 2 weeks.
We recently moved into a new home. We love it. We are almost completely moved in. Tony has been working hard around the house to install things and hang things up. We have to have the company come and fix the front door. The door seems smaller than the frame and there are big gaps, that allow ants to get in as well as air conditioning to get out. There are some other things popping out because of the settling of the house. We love the fact that we live directly across from the park, we also have our own driveway now. The girls bedroom has been finished and we are finishing up hanging pictures in the play room. It is nice to have the extra bedroom set up as a play room, when kids come over to visit, they love to play in the play room with all the toys.
My husband is being very supportive. He has been trying to cheer me up. He is counting down the days until the 31st of August. We will be right over 35 weeks and he is going to bring me to Target and push me in a wheelchair to finish our registery. I sit up at the doctor's office for 3-4 hours, 1-2 times a week, so we think sitting in a wheelchair for 1 hour at Target can't be that harmful. Also the bigger the girls get the less likely something would happen. Also, they are going to be taking me off Heparin, so I need to get up more anyway so I do not produce another blood clot in my legs. Hopefully, I will make it that far, 35 weeks seems like a goal I can make it to. Now, 3 months ago, they didn't think I would make it 2 weeks.
We recently moved into a new home. We love it. We are almost completely moved in. Tony has been working hard around the house to install things and hang things up. We have to have the company come and fix the front door. The door seems smaller than the frame and there are big gaps, that allow ants to get in as well as air conditioning to get out. There are some other things popping out because of the settling of the house. We love the fact that we live directly across from the park, we also have our own driveway now. The girls bedroom has been finished and we are finishing up hanging pictures in the play room. It is nice to have the extra bedroom set up as a play room, when kids come over to visit, they love to play in the play room with all the toys.
Last night, while Tony was fixing dinner, we played a game of monopoly. Tony thinks that he lost, majorly, was because he was making dinner. I feel it was because he bought everything he landed on and then ended up not being able to pay my rents. He he he....he took a picture of me after I won every one of the properties on the board as well as houses and hotels. Sorry honey, maybe tonight we can play a different game and you can kick my tush. Of course all of this is said in good humor.
I will attempt to write on this blog everyday while still keeping up the totsite. Once the babies are born, I will discontinue that blog and we will all be on one website as a family.
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